Why Have I Been So Quiet?

Many of you have emailed me, sent messages and texts asking what’s going on. Why have I been so quiet? Well, in a nutshell, I’ve been working on so many projects that this portion of my work has been dormant for a while. BUT, I’m back and will be regularly adding content.

As many of you know, I’ve been doing a podcast with my son Jimmy on sexual abuse for a year and a half now. If you’re not a regular listener to the podcast, I really urge to to become a regular listener. I know that you’ll find a lot of help and support.

Also, I’ll be updating you on my life, where things are right now as far as “life as the wife of a pedophile”, where my family is as far as emotional health, etc.

Thank you so much for understanding my lengthy absence (and the most recent downtime of this website due to being hacked. Ugh!).

I solicit your prayers as this work continues. I’ll be writing more in a few days.

With love,


PS If you have any specific topics you’d like discussed on this blog, please let me know. You can reply in the message box here or email me at: clarahintonspeaker@gmail.com .

Married to a Pedophile: Is God a Liar?

I prayed for two things ever since I was a little kid. I prayed that I would never have to suffer the pain of losing a child. I watched my parents change before my very eyes when my young sister Carmella died, and I prayed to God that would never happen to me. And, I prayed for a Christian husband. I wanted to be joined in marriage to a man who honored God above all else. I witnessed physical and mental abuse in my home between my parents and I wanted a home centered around loving and honoring God above all else.   Continue reading

Married to a Pedophile: The Blanket of Abuse is Still Suffocating!

It’s been more than six years now since I found out the man I was married to was a practicing pedophile. Why am I still finding myself suffocating from this? Why is the mental abuse still plaguing me? Why? Why? Why?  Why am I still allowing the abuse to affect me?

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Married to a Pedophile: “Living With the Stigma”

“I can’t imagine being in your shoes” is one of the most common things said to me. “How do you face people? What’s it like?” Those are valid questions, and they are questions that need to be addressed.

For almost forty years our family was “the family” — adored and respected in our church, among our friends, within our small community, and even across state lines. We were a uniquely large family, especially for this day and age,  having eleven children. Even more unique was the fact that they were good kids. Good Christian kids, most of them attending Harding University,

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I Was an Abused Wife: Why Didn’t Anyone Help Me?

There is a question that will forever plague me. Where was my help when I needed it? Did I hide my abuse that good? Did I fake it so well that nobody saw even a hint of what was happening? Did my husband have everyone so fooled that they didn’t believe he was capable of any wrong in our marriage? Continue reading