Married to a Pedophile: Halloween Monsters in Church!

Every time Halloween rolls around, my thoughts go back to a special church service that took place in October about eleven years into my marriage.   I can truly say it’s one that I will never forget, nor will anyone that was sitting in the audience ever forget.  There are certain things that are burned into a person’s mind, and this is one of them.

Before I go further into the story, let me take this time to thank you for being here.  Thanks for reading, for following along, and for “getting it” about the seriousness of emotional and sexual abuse, child molestation, and how important it is to provide a means for those who have been used and abused to find a healing place.  If you are new to this blog, I strongly suggest that you begin here, and read each blog in chronological order because there is a progression from manipulation to molestation that is so important for you to understand.

Okay, back to this story. Continue reading