Married to a Pedophile: A Constant Web of Lies

Do you want to know how a wife of a pedophile feels?  Some days sad.  Some days very confused.  Some days weak in faith.  Some days in constant torment and pain.  Some days full of questions that are begging for answers.  And, some days………. mad as hell!  The mad as hell feeling doesn’t come often, but when it does I really feel it to the inner core of my being.  The story I’m going to share with you today is one that really gets my dander up.  Why?  Because I fell for one of the biggest lies ever from John and it angers me when I think of how much he must have laughed over it!

If you are new to this blog, in order to get the full story of what it was like being married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years without knowing it,  you should start reading here.  The blogs are short, but each one is a stepping stone that shows just how manipulative these molesters are!

I remember this particular event so well. In fact, I saved the emails that were passed around the family during this traumatic time, and I just came across them the other day. Reading them took me to my knees.  It’s so hard to read about this stuff now that I can fit the pieces of this pedophilic puzzle together!

I had gone grocery shopping on Saturday and John was watching the kids.  When I came home, the house was eerily quiet.  I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t know what had happened.  I asked John and the kids what was going on, and they said everything was fine.

It wasn’t fine Not at all, but I wouldn’t find out for another few days what had happened.

About Wednesday of the following week, I received an email from one of my sons who was in college.  “Dear Mom, I’m not sure how to word this, but I know you’ll figure out how to talk to dad about this.  I’m sure it’s nothing, but just in case there’s more to it, I thought you should know.”

The email went on to explain what had happened that Saturday when I was grocery shopping.  One of my daughters had gone bouncing into my office upstairs (which was always open to everyone) thinking she could get onto my computer to do some homework.  Instead, she stood frozen by what she saw!

Sitting at my computer was John.  That in and of itself was a shock as he was always downstairs in his locked office where he kept his computer.  She was startled at finding him there.  What startled her more was what she saw!!!!

On the computer screen was some of the worst adult porn (as described to me in the email) that could be viewed.  Raw, obscene, disgusting, horrific scenes and my fifteen year old daughter walked in on her dad, the preacher, viewing this.

He began fumbling to try to X out of it, but the screen was frozen, so what did he do? He turned to her and calmly asked her to delete the porn for him.  He said he was working on his Sunday sermon and the porn just popped up on the computer screen and he didn’t know what to do!  He was caught!  Red-handed!  He was caught in a horrible lie!

Computer picturesNeedless to say, a young girl would be shocked to see her dad viewing such stuff and it worried her so much that she emailed her older brother.  He took several days to think about it then emailed me.

He said, “Talk to dad about it.  Mom, don’t get upset.  Most men look at stuff like this sometime in their life, so maybe dad just got curious.  I’m sure he has an explanation.”


I read the email probably fifty times not knowing what to do.  First, I thought I’d better talk to my daughter.  When I asked her what happened, she burst into tears.  She said, “Mom, it was horrible.  The pictures I saw where awful.  Everybody was naked.  There was blood.  There were things I didn’t know about.  And, dad just sat there and asked me to get it off of the computer because the computer was frozen.  It was sickening, Mom!”

She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed!

tissuesAs I held her I kept thinking of John telling me that he used to spend his summers looking at porn when he was young.  So, I knew he had already been exposed to this.  But now?  Not now.  He wouldn’t do that!  But, my mind kept wondering.  He was really strange in bed with me.  He never, ever used foul language — not even in a teasing way. But, it seemed as though he had lost interest in intimacy.  In fact, more often than not, he would turn his back on me and just say, “I’m tired.  Let’s just go to sleep.”  And, he had no problem going for weeks like that.  And, when he did demand intimacy, he did some really strange things.  Things that made me feel less than like a lady — less than like a woman sharing a close, warm moment with the man she loved.

I was worried.  Maybe there was another woman.  Maybe he had lost interest in me as his wife.  Maybe…..a million different thoughts raced through my mind.

That night, I mustered up the courage to bring up the topic.  I was breathing erratically — so nervous.  How do you approach this subject?  It was awkward and embarrassing, to say the least.

“John, can I talk to you?  Do you remember last Saturday when I was shopping?  Did anything out of the ordinary happen while I was gone?”

He was watching TV and never even turned his head to look at me.  I hated that! He never looked me straight in the eye! “Oh, you mean the mix-up on my computer?  Did she tell you about that?  I guess I should have mentioned it.  I’m studying for a series I’m going to preach on porn addiction, so I thought what better way to find out what’s out there than to get on the computer and see for myself.  So, I typed in a few words and there it was!”

“What do you mean you were studying for a sermon?  You need to look at hard-core porn to study for a sermon?”

“Sure.  Haven’t you read what Dr.  Dobson has to say on the subject?  That’s where I got the idea from.  He said if you haven’t seen it, you can’t preach about it.  You have to view the porn to get into the mind of the guys who get hooked on it.  So, I have to look at some of this stuff if I want my sermon series to be effective.”

Dr_ Dobson's Handbook of Family AdviceDo you want to know what’s weird?  I believed this lie one hundred per cent!  In fact, I apologized for ever questioning John.  I said I’d talk to our daughter and reassure her that he was just prepping for a sermon.  And, I never brought up the subject again!

How many red flags and lies can you see in this one story?  I’ve thought a million times over why John used MY computer upstairs to do his dirty work.  He never used my computer — he had his own private, locked office with his own computer.  I think this was another one of his tests.  How much would I believe?  How dedicated to him were his children.  Who would we tell about this?  Would we make a big deal?  Or would we believe his lies once again?

Shock.  Lies.  Denial.  More lies.  Control.  Making a person question themselves.  Making a person feel bad for ever questioning his motives.

I actually ended up apologizing to John over and over for being so stupid as to question him about this.  I said, “I should have known better.  I know you had a good reason for looking at that stuff. I don’t know why I ever questioned you.”

He smiled.  Pure satisfaction.

So, I did what any brainwashed, dedicated wife would do.  I sent out a family email to the older kids telling them that I talked to dad and everything was fine.  I explained that he was researching for a sermon series and that it was unfortunate their sister had walked into my office at that moment.  But, all was well and there was no need to worry.

I never brought the subject up again.  Not ever. And, neither did the kids. 

However, I find it interesting that I saved those emails from over fifteen years ago!  In fact, I printed them off and kept them in my personal files.  Deep inside of me I knew something was very wrong.  I felt it.  I had caught John in other lies but never made a big deal about it.  My gut was telling me something was very wrong, but I just couldn’t put the pieces together!

Why didn’t I search on his computer?  Keep in mind I never had access to his computer. His office was locked at all times and he held the only key to it.  I also found out much later that he was very computer savvy.  He knew how to hack into emails.  He knew his way around a computer very effectively.  He was no dummy!  Still, I never questioned him.  I was so intent on being a “good Christian wife” that I thought it would be wrong of me to do anything except completely believe him.  He was a godly man, a godly father, and it was my duty to respect him at all times.  And, I did!

Beware!  Pedophiles are liars!  Pedophiles are very involved in porn!  Pedophiles test people.  Pedophiles make sure they have won your complete trust.  Pedophiles practice molesting over and over in their minds before they actually touch a child.  They plan every detail.  They make lists.  They think of every possible scenario before making their move. They target who they will molest. They work methodically and precisely!  Please get a copy of Conversations With a Pedophile.  This book is a hard read, but it’s incredibly helpful!  Learn about how a pedophile works from the very mouth of a man who was a practicing pedophile for years and is serving a life sentence in prison just like John!

I was trying so hard to be the Christian wife and mother — so worried about being completely trusting and all-forgiving, that I gave John the benefit of the doubt in all areas of life.  And, I was teaching our kids to do the same.  “Never question dad.”  I was truly the perfect mate for a practicing pedophile.  He pushed me aside time and time again while he was carrying out his manipulative, controlling plans in order to fulfill his evil, selfish lustful desire of children.  How do I know? Because when he was arrested, the evidence was all there.  And, by his own admission in court, this was his life for fifty years. Lies.  Porn. Control.  Child molestation.

Who is the child molester?  The child molester can be anyone! 

Who will be the next victim?  Please don’t let it be your child!  Keep your guard up at all times.  Be careful who you trust!  Look for the signs.  Listen to the lies.  “A minister has to view hard-core porn in order to teach about it.”  Really?  I wasn’t thinking!  Does this mean that a minister has to molest children in order to teach about it?  I was so incapable of thinking for myself that I tremble when I think I might have fallen for that lie, too!  This is how victims are — incapable of thinking for themselves.  They fall into the trap of believing the lies! 

Learn from my life!  Listen to me clearly!  Watch for a person who is constantly studying people.  Beware of the person who is “too good to be true” — always has his life in order, always in control, always helpful way beyond the call of duty, always offering to help babysit and take your children to the park to give you a break. You know what I’m talking about!  And, remember — if your instinct tells you something is wrong, it probably is!

Work with me to keep our children safe!  Together we can be a voice that is heard!  Let’s make it so hard for these manipulative liars to get to our children that they finally walk away and give up!



If you are interested in having me speak to your mom’s group about putting plans in place to keep your children safe, please email me at .  I want to help!

Married to a Pedophile: And Baby Makes Three!!!

Thanks so much for continuing to read this unfolding story of what it was like to unknowingly be married to a pedophile for almost forty years.  As I’m digging back through the journals of my mind, I can’t help but think about all of the red flags, the questions, and the strange things that went on in our marriage.  But, still — I remind myself that at the time those things meant nothing because I wasn’t equipped with the knowledge to know how to pick up on any of the waving flags in front of me.

And, that’s why we have this blog — to make sure that you are educated so that you can be aware of the way pedophiles work and ultimately so that you can protect the children — all children!  Every child deserves to grow up in a world without fear of molestation!

If you are new to this blog, I’d suggest you begin at the very beginning.  This is quick reading and it won’t take you long to catch up.

Last week we left off with New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.  Moving forward, our baby’s due date was January 23.  As things happened, I had a clinic appointment on Friday, January 22 at 11:00 in the morning.  The physician that saw me said I wasn’t ready to deliver this baby and he estimated another two weeks, so John and I went back to our apartment on that sunny, brisk day in Oklahoma City and he announced that he was going to drive to the college (Oklahoma Christian College) to stop by and see some friends and to wash the car.

I’m not a whiny type of person, but being as pregnant as one can get and a bit afraid I begged him to stay home or let me go with him to wash the car.  The college was twenty miles away, and that was back in the day before cell phones.  Once a person was on the highway, that was it.  No way of tracking them down.

“You’ll be just fine.  You don’t need me here with you.  I’m going to run out to the college, wash the car, and I’ll be back before you know it.  Why don’t you take a nap?”

Baby announcement - use thisA nap sounded like a good idea to me.  I really wasn’t feeling well at all.  In fact, I didn’t eat a bite for lunch.  I told John my back hurt so bad it felt like it was killing me.  Back in the day, doctors didn’t talk openly about childbirth, and there was no internet access to search for information, so you were left sitting in the dark about a lot of things.  And, I’ll be quite honest, I wasn’t really sure what was happening to my body.  I had heard some pretty scary stories of women screaming in pain while having a baby, but other than that, I knew nothing.  Isn’t that sad?  I’m so glad we live in an age where information is available to us!

As John walked towards the steps to leave, I begged him to stay with me.  I kept telling him I didn’t feel well, but he kept telling me he’d be back before I knew it.  And, off he went.  I watched from the kitchen window as he pulled out of the driveway of the apartment, and then I laid down to try to rest.

Note:  Do you remember in a previous post where John said I looked ugly when I was pregnant?  That thought kept coming back to me.  “I’m fat.  I’m ugly.  I’m not even me any more.”  And, the tears started.  I’m sure they were pregnancy-related tears, but none-the-less, I felt alone and miserable.  I felt like an old house that had fallen apart and been wrecked and left desolate.  It was a miserable feeling laying on that lumpy cot of a thing called a bed!

crooked house -- use this

Then something happened…………something horrible.  I felt the most uncomfortable squeezing pain I had ever felt in my life!  I tried every which way to feel better, but nothing worked!  “Oh, gosh!  I wish John was here!  Why did he have to go twenty miles away to wash the car today? Why did the car even need to be washed?”

I tried walking and couldn’t.  The pain was horrible.  I know you’re going to think this is crazy, but I got on all fours to try to relieve some of the pressure off of my back.  It hurt so bad I can’t even tell you.  I crawled to the phone, and called the college.  I thought maybe someone could track down John for me, but that was a joke.  No such thing was going to happen.

One hour….two hours….three hours… now I was hysterical with fear.  Where was John?  He knew I wasn’t feeling well when he left!  Oh, here we go again!  Alone!!!

It wasn’t until 5:30 that evening that John finally came strolling upstairs to find me crying and so afraid that this baby was ready to be born!  My brain was in such a fog that I couldn’t think straight.  All I knew was I was in major, continuous pain and I was never so glad to see John than I was at that moment!

“Where were you? What took almost five hours to stop in at the school and wash the car?”  He looked at me with the most puzzled look — like I was crazy.  It was a look as if to say, “Why would you ever question ME? What’s wrong with YOU?  I don’t really owe you any explanation.” Throughout the years I learned to know that look quite well.

And, then John did something that still blows me away! He said he was hungry and was going to fix himself some supper.  He was hungry?!?  We were about to have a miracle — a baby — and he had been gone for close to five hours leaving me alone in labor and he was hungry?

John very slowly, carefully, and happily fixed himself one of the largest hamburgers I’ve ever seen in my life.  I can still see him sitting at our old table in the kitchen shoving in that burger — barbecue sauce dripping down his face as he ate in silence.  I was retching in pain by now, and he seemed oblivious to it all.

Alert Pedophiles think about themselves first — always themselves first!  Please remember that.  You will not change their thinking! 

I was in so much pain at this point that I felt faint.  I kept asking him to get me to the hospital, and he said he would as soon as he was finished eating.  Talk about control! Talk about selfishness!

Finally, at 8:00 p.m. we headed out to Oklahoma University Hospital.  I was in so much pain that I thought I’d die along the way.  John never seemed to bat an eye.  His mind was elsewhere.

I won’t go into the details here, but after a long, hard, difficult night of labor, a doctor finally told me that they were going to give me a spinal and the baby would be a forceps delivery.  This meant nothing to me — I had never heard the word “forceps” before.  But, I knew one thing — if it meant ending the horrible, crushing back pain, I was all for it!

At 4:30 a.m., on Saturday, January 23 (right on the due date), our perfect little daughter entered this world!  I cannot even begin to put into words what I felt!  Honestly, I know that this little girl was a miracle!  She was gorgeous — all 8 lbs. 7 oz. of her!  I counted her little fingers and toes over and over again in complete awe!

baby feet - use thisJohn was never a man of many words and the same was true now at our baby’s birth.  He didn’t kiss me.  He didn’t say, “I love you.”  Not once. He was happy, though.  I could tell.  For the first time in a long time, I could see that he was genuinely happy and proud to have this baby come join our lives.  I felt like this was a new beginning for us — a wonderful addition to “us” that would maybe change things for the better.

Note Don’t ever think that adding a baby to your family will make things better.  If your relationship isn’t good prior to a baby, it will not be better after a baby.  Babies require our time, our devotion, and our attention.  They require our energy, our money, and our every resource.

I’ll be honest with you.  I was so happy holding this baby that at times I felt like I couldn’t breathe.  She was gorgeous.  And, she needed me.  Finally, somebody needed me and wanted to be with me.  She didn’t judge me.  She didn’t reject me.  She loved me unconditionally.  She was mine and I was hers, and I was happy!

So, what are the “red flags” here, you might be asking.  It’s all about control.  Living as a pedophile and a practicing child molester is all about control! 

From the words of a pedophile in the book, “Conversations With a Pedophile”, Alan explains, “Manipulating was a way of life for me.  It’s not the physical but the mental and emotional devastation that ultimately causes the greatest thrill for me. Normally it wasn’t too long before my current victim was ‘begging’ me.  I enjoyed the begging…enjoyed what I was doing.”

Please read those words over and over again until they really sink in!  I believe John left me alone while in labor because he enjoyed seeing me beg him to stay.  I believe he enjoyed seeing me crawling in pain begging him to get me relief by taking  me to the hospital.  He was in charge!  I believe he enjoyed taking his time eating while I was in labor begging him to get me help.  He was the one calling the shots, and he enjoyed it!

Next week, we will uncover more of what goes on inside of a pedophile’s mind.  Remember the pedophile is your neighbor.  He’s your minister.  He’s your teacher.  He’s your policeman.  He’s your gardener.  He’s your friend.  Yes, he could even be your husband! Pay attention to those inner nudgings those red flags that something isn’t quite right!  Those feelings usually hold true!  If it doesn’t seem right, it usually isn’t!

Thanks for hanging in here with me as we learn more about the inner makings of a pedophile.  For the protection of our children, we must be armed with good, solid information that will help us identify these predators and stop them in their tracks!

Poster -- use this!

Thanks so much for your comments, your input, and the connection we are making.  Together I believe we can make a difference.  Together — for the sake of the children we must make a difference!



Married to a Pedophile: Our First Christmas

Thanks so much for visiting this blog!  I appreciate the love, support, and interest shown in the message here.  I am not an expert in the field of child sex molestation.  I am, however, a woman who was married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years without knowing it.  It is my hope and my prayer that I can use my experience to help educate you so that you will know what signs to look for and what to do should you suspect actions of pedophilia.

If you are new to this blog, I suggest you begin by reading my story from the very beginning.

The months seemed to be moving along smoothly — the baby was growing inside of me and that was a feeling like I can’t explain. There were little bursts of excitement from John about becoming a father. In fact, I could say he was very excited for him. He wasn’t normally one to show a lot of emotion, but he did like telling others that we were having a baby!

We’re skipping quickly through the months of August through December because life remained “normal” in most respects. John was back in college and continued to work part-time at the cemetery as well as continued his volunteer work at church. I was happy being a working mom-to-be. In fact, all that filled my mind most days was the fact that soon I’d have a little one to snuggle with and that thought excited me so much! Sadly, I had to stop working in November due to the work laws at that time. Women who were beyond seven months of pregnancy weren’t permitted to work.   I worked as a secretary for Kerr-McGee Corporation. The people I worked with were wonderful and saying good-bye wasn’t easy. They had become like family to me. My bosses visited in our tiny apartment which was so funny as I think back now. They were multimillionaire oil men and John and I were as poor as church mice. I’ll never forget the look on their faces when they saw where we lived! I fixed them tacos and chocolate chip cookies. Isn’t it funny how you can remember details like that? I’ve always been so appreciative of the way they accepted my invitation to dinner and they and their wives were so gracious to me!

I made the decision to quit my job and stay at home to take care of the new baby when he/she arrived. John encouraged me to do this even though I was offered a big fat raise to come back to work, and Lord knows we needed the money. “Stay home and enjoy this baby. I have everything under control. The elders are going to start paying me for being the youth minister. They finally agreed I was ready to be put on as staff!”

NoteCan you see the insidious workings of control?  If I stayed at home, I didn’t have access to the outside world.  My world was suddenly growing smaller and smaller. 

That news of John getting extra pay was music to my ears, and so I began planning for Christmas. ( As an aside, Thanksgiving was a disaster — I ended up throwing out the turkey. It tasted like burned rubber!)

Christmas bulbs - use this

I LOVE Christmas! It was going to be so much fun with a baby due on January 23 — just one month away! John and I decided we were too poor to buy anything for the baby, and we’d just exchange cards for our gifts and have a nice meal together. That being said, anybody who knows me knows that I love giving surprise gifts. And, this Christmas was super special! This was our first Christmas together! So, I had begun giving up my lunches way back in June to start saving for a Christmas gift for John — well before we said we’d only exchange cards. It was so much fun watching my stash of money add up. When the other girls at the office bought barbecue beef for lunch, I’d pull out my packed lunch — two slices of bread and one piece of bologna. It didn’t matter because I knew that the money I would have spent was being saved for something super special.

I made a surprise visit to the church and visited the minister and asked him what his best study books were. “That’s easy! I study from the Bible and my ISBE’s — International Standard Bible Encyclopedias. John will love them!” Yikes, they were expensive, but……I could do it! I knew what gift I would be buying John!

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My belly was growing and I only had one maternity outfit to my name other than baggy shirts.  I would have loved something new to wear, but……it was Christmas! I could not wait to see the look on John’s face when he opened up his gift! While I was at it, I decided to buy one more gift — a basketball that he could have so that he didn’t always have to borrow one from the church when he wanted to play ball with the kids he brought home. Oh, I cannot tell you how excited I was wrapping up those gifts and hiding them until Christmas morning!!!

Christmas eve arrived. We went to church, came home and lit a candle, watched a little TV and called it a day. I was too excited to sleep. We had a small tree that sat on top of a desk in the living room (yes, it was a tossed out shrub from the cemetery, but I didn’t even care this time around. At least it was a tree!). I watched the flickering candlelight and counted the minutes until morning!

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Finally, morning arrived. We were  away from all family — living in Oklahoma City. We didn’t get to go home because the doctor wouldn’t give the okay for me to travel being so close to my due date. This was going to be so ROMANTIC! Our first Christmas together!!! Let’s face it, anything could be better than the honeymoon we had!

I fixed an awesome breakfast for John, handed him his card and inside it had a little note saying where he could find his surprise. My heart is pumping faster as I’m telling this story! Can you tell I get like a little kid at Christmas time? “I thought we weren’t giving gifts?” “I know…but I couldn’t let this be our first Christmas and not give you a gift! I’ve been saving up since June! I can’t wait for you to see what you got!”

The look on his face was different than I expected.  He looked like he was hearing a melody that went sour. He didn’t look at all happy. In fact, he looked rather perturbed. “I really wish you hadn’t gotten a gift. A card would have been fine.” I felt disappointed a bit, but who cared? I wanted HIM to be happy! I wanted to see him open his gifts!

Instead, he went off to the bathroom. He said, “I’ll be back in a while. I have to do something. I have a big surprise for you.”

Woo hoo! I knew it! I knew he was tricking me! I knew he wouldn’t forget me on Christmas!!!!! I sat in the living room sipping some tea while he was in the bathroom. (Remember last week’s post about those hours in the bathroom? Well, Christmas morning was no different.)

Finally, John unlocked the bathroom door and had something hidden behind his back. Oh, I couldn’t wait! I had his gifts sitting under the tree, and now I would get to open my gift from him! I was so happy!!!

John walked over to me, and said, “Pick a hand. Your gift is small but I put a lot of thought into it.” I LOVE gifts that are thoughtful! Maybe a necklace or a bracelet. No, too expensive. Maybe a little teeny stuffed bear. No, that wouldn’t be like him. Maybe a tiny bottle of perfume! Oh, that would be wonderful!

I picked a hand, and out came my surprise………….. I looked, and then I looked again. I didn’t know what to say! I still don’t know what to say.  I could suddenly feel the hot tears streaming down my face. I began to shake and he just looked at me with the most bizarre expression. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it? I’ll bet you’re the only person in the entire world to get a gift like this!

toilet-paper - use this

He was right. He was so very right. Nobody that I know of in my lifetime has ever gotten a Christmas gift like this. He sat in the bathroom on the toilet and took two sheets of toilet paper and drew a picture of two deer — a buck and a doe. And, above the deer it said, “Merry Christmas, Dear.” My heart broke that day — it really, really broke. He hadn’t even gotten me a card. Instead, he wrote a message on toilet paper. That was my gift.

I’d like to say this was a joke, but it wasn’t. This was it. My body is shaking as I am writing this and it is now forty plus years later. That hurt me worse than if he had taken a kitchen knife and stabbed me right in the center of my heart.

Why did he do that? I’ve thought about that a million times over the years.   He said he thought it would be “unique” — something I’d remember always. I spent the remainder of the day in bed sobbing. He didn’t really like the encyclopedias. He said I should return them and get the money back, and he didn’t need a basketball when he could take anything he needed from the church.

NOTE:   As I’ve now learned, pedophiles are all about “control” — they must be in charge. In order to do that, they will find ways to beat you into submission. John didn’t physically beat me — he never even came close. But, emotionally, he was killing me. He was slowly beating me into submission for the years to come.  Once you beat a person down to a very low point emotionally, you can gain full control.  The person no longer feels worthy of being treated any other way.  And, I was slowly but surely descending into the dark pit of manipulation and isolation.

Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for trying to grasp what I’m saying. I know it’s not easy reading about sad experiences.  But, in order to learn what makes child molesters tick, I think we need to see the whole picture.  Pedophiles are calculating liars. They care about one thing — themselves. They don’t “get it” when it comes to hurting others. They are out to fulfill their mission and that is ultimately to get what they want.

I believe John was molesting children frequently at this time. I can’t “prove” it, but I now have reason to believe it was going on quite often at this period in our lives.  He had many, many opportunities. Two BIG red flags were there, but I didn’t know how to recognize them as such.   Johns spent so much time away from me with young children.  He always had a reason.  He was building relationships.  He was getting to know the families at church better.  He was encouraging the youth to love church and church activities more.  And, on and on it went.

Another strange thing was happening.  Many Sundays John wouldn’t take communion in church. I asked him why, and he would never say. In our church communion is taken weekly.  But, if you have wronged someone or if you have not confessed the sins in your life, it is considered “not worthy to partake.”

John apparently thought he was worthy to partake on many Sundays.

Note:  When a pedophile molests a child, he knows it is wrong!  Molesters absolutely know that it is wrong, yet they continue to do these vile acts on children! 

By the way, I never told anyone about my first Christmas gift until many, many years later. Why? It was too painful. And, John knew that I wouldn’t tell.   I believe this was one more test to see how far he could go with me. How much could he do? Abused victims rarely tell. It’s just too hard.


My abuse was horrible, but it was nothing compared to what John did to little children. Please stick with me and let’s continue on with this story……learn what goes on inside the home where a pedophile lives. Learn about how they manipulate others into being enablers. Let’s learn together how other family members can be manipulated and controlled into thinking the molester is a wonderful, caring person — right while committing acts that are hard to speak about.

For the children, let’s stop these predators!  Let’s work hard to stop them in their tracks!  Let’s educate ourselves about what to look for, and let’s be on guard at all times.  For the children, let’s stop this terrible, painful cycle of abuse!
