Married to a Pedophile: Year Two is Harder Than Year One!

This week has been a horribly heavy week of grief.  Rather than picking up where I left off last week in this journey of being married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years without knowing it, I thought I’d get a few things off of my heart.  Sometimes the pain gets so bad that we just have to release some of it.

This week was bad.  The tears would not stop.  I work in the field of supporting families who are going through the grief of child loss, so I knew that year two would be worse than year one in this grief of finding out that the father of my children — the man I was married to– was a practicing pedophile for almost fifty years.  But I wasn’t prepared for the flood of emotions that would come pouring from deep within my soul.

This week was John’s birthday.  I thought I had worked through most of the emotional wreckage of John’s arrest and conviction for child molestation.  But, I was so very wrong!

It’s strange to say, but prior to hearing about John’s investigation, I honestly didn’t know what a pedophile was.  I had never spoken the word, nor did I ever talk about child molestation.  It was a topic that was foreign to me.  So, when I first learned that John was under investigation for child molestation I went into a state of shock.  I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams that he would commit such acts.  Deep in my heart I knew it was true.  The red flags as we’ve been discussing for several weeks were there.  In fact, by the time of his arrest, he might as well have been wearing a sign that said, “Child Molester.”  He was so caught up in what he was doing that he got sloppy.  He didn’t cover all of his tracks.  Several of the children he was molesting began speaking out.  They were telling. But, he was so deep into this perverse, dark life that he didn’t notice. And, he didn’t care.

Thank God he was arrested and stopped!

But, the thing that is so hard to grasp is the level of pain that my children are feeling and the way John treated them as well as all of his church family and the community as a whole.  He was wonderful to them!  He really, really was!  He was kind.  He was compassionate.  I’ve watched him cry over the hurt and pain of others.  I saw him wrestle with how to help families who were hurting financially and emotionally.  I’ve seen him sacrifice so much for his children.

And, yet…..this same man….this kind, generous, caring man was also the emotional abuser, all-controlling husband, and the one whose very heart, mind, and body abused countless young children throughout his lifetime.

It’s so hard to try to balance the scales.  So much kindness on one side, and so much evil on the other.  How can this be?  How does this happen?

ScalesAs I struggled through this birthday week, flashes of the “good John” kept sweeping through my mind.  I saw him at the beach with the kids, taking them on walks finding salamanders, barbecuing chicken and burgers for summer picnics. I saw him laughing with the kids and I remembered past family birthday parties — we had so many wonderful family traditions that we carried out for birthdays!

I woke up several times this week in a drenching sweat as I saw him in the courtroom looking at me with a smirk on his face showing no shame whatsoever over what he had done to so many little girls.  And, I cried.  I sobbed.  I buried my head into my pillow and cried until I thought my insides were falling out.

How can so much evil and good come from one person? It just doesn’t make sense!  I try to understand it, but it’s so big — so hard — to try to grasp!

I felt lonely and dark and blue this week.  I struggled with what to say to  my children when I talked with them.  Do you say it’s going to be okay when you know it’s not?  It’s never, ever going to be okay in the sense of family life as we once knew it.

house 156I felt like screaming so many different times this week, “Where’s the help? Who knows how to do this?  How do you travel this journey?”  And, so I cried more, and begged God to please feel real to me and to my family and to every little child who is struggling day after day with emotions that are so scarred and broken brought on by the abuse of this man — this kind man and this  very evil man.

Brokenness.  It’s not a hard word to type out on paper, but when you think about its meaning, it’s one of the most difficult words of all to say.

[ brṓkən ]
  1. no longer whole: in two or more pieces, e.g. after having been dropped or struck with something hard
  2. out of order: no longer in working condition
  3. not kept: not honored or fulfilled
Synonyms: wrecked, fragmented, shattered, cracked, smashed, damaged, ruined, destroyed

And, so I write these words.  I did not send them, but I felt them. 


I loved you for almost forty years with all of my heart.  I worried about you.  I cared for you.  I stuck by you when others talked about you and slandered you.  I was there by your side giving you encouragement and comfort every step of the way.

Your children loved you more than life!  They were so proud of you.  They loved when you took them on nature hikes, taught them how to hunt, played basketball with them, and told your funny stories.  They loved when you were their preacher and you were the one who baptized them, performed their weddings, and were there to give them counsel. You were their calm when I was their crazy, emotional storm.

And, now look at what has happened.  Look at what you’ve left. We loved you so much and we don’t know how to live right side up any more in this broken world that you’ve created for us and so many countless others.  We think of you and we feel so much pain deep within our souls.  We feel cheated.  We feel like somehow if we could have been better you would have been better.  We wish for life as it used to be — as we thought it was — but we know it will never, ever be that way again.

What do we tell the grandkids? When their innocent faces look into our eyes and say, “Where is Pap?” what do we say? How do we explain this to them? I get so angry at you for leaving behind such a painful mess!

There’s a shame, you know.  A real shame that accompanies having a husband/father/grandfather/preacher/friend in prison for committing many, many acts of molesting children.  People sometimes question us or say, “Not John.  I don’t believe this.  He was the most kind man we knew.”  What do we say to that?

You lied to us.  You deliberately lied.  You hurt so many people.  You hurt your own flesh and blood — you hurt your children  so very much.  They’re so wonderful.  And, your grandchildren are so beautiful and precious, and now there is this black cloud that hangs above us all of the time and it feels like it’s pressing down harder and harder until sometimes it’s hard for us to breathe.

You sit in prison and you whine.  You feel like you got an unfair sentence.  Well, you know what?  So did everyone you love.  Your family, your friends, your church — everyone who loved you has been shaken to the core.  And, you just don’t get it.  I wonder if you ever will understand just how far and how deep the wounds go.

I can’t say “happy birthday” because that would be a lie.  I don’t wish you a happy birthday.  But, what’s so strange is that I don’t wish evil on you, either.  I mostly wish you weren’t you.  I wish you were part of youI wish you were the good John. Oh, how much I wish you were only the good John.


Clara, the one who was your soul mate and who is the mother of your children”

may 9 040 - blue oceanAs you see, I didn’t send the letter. I know that John wouldn’t get it.  He’s still deep into pedophila and thinking only of himself.  Maybe one day he will understand the level of pain that his actions caused.  Maybe one day he will say, “I’m sorry” and truly mean it.

One thing makes me feel better, and that is when I’m by the sea.  There’s just something so healing about the rhythm of the waves.  I picture all of the ugly, evil things in life being washed out to sea and being gone forevermore.  And, with each incoming wave, there are blessings to wash over us and make us feel new and clean and healthy again.  I haven’t visited the ocean yet this year, but I long for the wonderful blessing of walking along the shore and watching the constant rolling of the waves to and fro.  For now I’ll continue to tap into my memory bank and remember those sights and sounds and feel comforted by the blessing of the sea.

I’ll end with a prayer from my heart.

“Dear God,

This has been a hard week.  As a mom who sees and hears pain in the eyes and hearts of her children I don’t know what to do.  I want to make it better but I can’t.  I can’t fix this kind of brokenness and I don’t know what to do.  I don’t know how to let my children and my grandchildren know how much I love them and miss them and think about them every minute of the day and wish that this pain had never entered their lives.  I’m asking you to somehow heal us.  Help us.  Enter the heart of John in a real way and help him to come to a place of true remorse for all of the pain he caused the kids so that they can feel just a bit of a father’s love again.  They feel lost.  We all feel so lost and we don’t know how to walk this barren, lonely path. Help us, I pray.  And, thank you so much for the blessing of each and every child and grandchild and friend you’ve placed in my life.  I couldn’t make it a day without them.  In your name I pray, Amen”

Thank you, dear friends, for listening Thank you for your constant love and support.  Thank you to my kids for being gracious and kind and for continuing to love and support one another as you do.

If you are in a situation similar to this, I urge you to share your feelings.  It really does help.  If you have been molested by a pedophile (I HATE the word “victim” because it sounds so powerless!) and you are feeling the pain of abuse, I’m praying for you. This is not something that can be brushed under the rug and forgotten about.  Seek help.  Talk to someone who will listen, and seek support.

Pedophiles will use you, abuse you, lie to you, and leave you.  That’s just who they are.  They will make you feel like you’re crazy because they will also treat you kind (in the beginning), will pamper you, and will make you feel special.  Don’t fall for it!  Be on guard at all times!!  Pedophiles are your kind neighbor, the soccer coach, the Sunday school teacher, the preacher, the attorney, the plumber, the teenage kid next door.

Be on guard!  Begin educating yourself today!  An excellent resource is Anna Salter.She has worked with pedophiles and child sex offenders for years and years.

And, I urge you to visit my son Jimmy’s blog.  He is writing from a totally different perspective than me.  He is writing from the perspective of the son of a pedophile.

Together we can make this a safer place for our children!  Education is power!  Thank you for helping protect our children!



Note:  The next post will pick up where we left off in my personal journey of being married to a pedophile.  Thanks so much for bearing with me while I let go of some of this week’s pain.  My love to each one!

25 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: Year Two is Harder Than Year One!

  1. Church is one of the riskiest places for all the reasons people have said in these comments. I highly recommend the book “protecting the gift” by Gavjn Debecker. He goes into details what to look for and what grooming looks like.

    • Donnetta, You are so very right — churches are the pedophile’s playground. If only people would wake up and realize that!!! Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I’m going to get that right away!

  2. Dear ciara, as of three weeks ago i found out my soul mate and father of my beautful 10 mth old daughter is a pedifile, i almost still cant believe it now. i read your blog and can relate to soooo much, my s.o was caring and very good with our daughter he was a great boyfriend and someone i planned on growing old with. i read your blog and i cried. it brings up so much of what has happened in the last few weeks, my entire world has flipped upside down, i feel the pain you do loss of a future the way you pictured you family, the shame you have that your in this situation, in my situation i was scutinized against and treated unfairly because this person hid this dark secret from me,i feel like he left me with my world turned upside down and left me to pick up the peaces of the disaster he created,ive been struggling to comprehend whats has just happened there is a million and one emotions you go through in this situation its funny how you emotionally fight with yourself and your mind because you see the person you knew and then you see the other side the person they tried to hide, looking back now that i know what i know now there were red flags, and noticing those you almost feel worse because you should have known but its not a black and white situation, you sound a lot like me with your situation, i felt very alone in this but know after doing some research and reading your blog that im not alone

    • Larissa, I’m so, so sorry to hear this! I think it just makes things “more real” to know that someone else is traveling this same path — the path of unbelievable circumstances. I’ll say it again — pedophiles are world’s best liars. They are good at what they do — living a double life and coming off as some great person all the while committing heinous crimes.

      You’re so right — we do experience shame and remorse for not seeing the pedophile as who he really was. We ask ourselves a million times over, “How could I not see this?”

      I don’t know what is being done to your soul mate and father of your 10-month-old, but I hope there is enough evidence to get him off the streets and away from children.

      Please take care of yourself, and don’t second-guess yourself. Your first and foremost priority is to keep your daughter safe from all harm! And, secondly, you need to take extra good care of yourself!

      My special love to you. What a shame that we had to meet through these circumstances.

  3. Dear Clara,

    My sister pointed me to your blog a few weeks ago. We were raised in a very conservative side of our denominational church. Sex, abuse, molestation, manipulation, and all topics related were completely taboo. Nobody talked about them and if something did happen, it was never talked about and if it was you were considered a sinful gossip. We were never even taught that there were people out there who might prey on kids. And they certainly didn’t exist in the church! !!! Like you said, people at church were considered safe. When we were in our teens, our family got involved with an independent ministry associated with our church. The man who ran the ministry was a very charasmatic man and my dad became good friends with him. In fact he became my dad’s only male friend. We all loved their family but had them up on a pedestal and my parents looked up to him as their guru of sorts as did many other people. Well, my very closest friend was hired by them as their secretary and office manager. She was 20 or 22 at the time and had come from a very abusive but controllingly conservative home, even worse than mine. She was desperate for a real family and real parents and when they drew her into their family as their adoptive daughter, she lapped it up. Looking back, he had started grooming her years before but was almost worse than a child pedophile in that he knew to bide his time till she was of age. She knew NOTHING of sexuality and what was and wasn’t appropriate as her parents had abused her and had refused to give her any sexual education. Being homeschooled, they had complete control over this. She was in the horrible adult sexual abuse situation for 8 years. Many of the control issues and red flags you talk about were all in place. He separated us and our friendship disintegrated. He isolated her from her friends and kept all guys away. All this time he told her he was preparing her for marriage! Sick sick sick! She didn’t know this wasn’t normal behavior from a dad and he had her so much under his control that she never thought to ask anyone if it was normal behavior. She always went to him with her problems. 8 years later she went to an abuse seminar to try and deal with some of the abuse from her parents. While at the seminar, a light suddenly came on and she suddenly saw what was going on currently in her life. She returned from the seminar and RAN! Very few people will believe her when she tells what he did, they say she is responsible and that it was a consentual relationship. So far from it! She has taken him to court and hopes through fighting it publicly that people will be warned and that his ministry will be shut down before someone else goes through the pain she did. After reading your blog, my sister and I realized that he also targeted my sister. She was the perfect quiet teen who wouldn’t speak up for herself and our parents thought he could do no wrong and they treat abuse as if it never happens. However, she got married early and her husband took an instant disliking to the ministry leader and they moved out of state. I was not seriously targeted as I was not afraid to speak my mind and question others. He really didn’t like me and liked me even less when I married a man who puts up with no guff and has a radar for abuse and ‘off’ situations like I’ve not seen before. This stems from his abuse at home and taking time to educate himself on abuse and abusers long before we ever met.

    I am now very close again with my friend and have been through the grief with her. She doesn’t know the outcome of the court ruling and is just praying that whatever the outcome, it will help someone else to avoid a similar situation. The hard part is showing other people that even an adult can be groomed and abused and molested if they don’t have the education they need! It IS possible for an adult to have no idea what is not appropriate in a family relationship. Only since she has been in nursing school has she begun to learn about sexual anatomy and what kind of touch and thoughts can give a man a buzz. She is now horrified at what her abuser did.she had no idea that what he doing was gratifying himself.

    • Lyn, Thank you so very much for this comment! I hope that thousands will read this because sadly this type of adult abuse happens far more often than we realize or care to think about. And, it’s amazing how many “churches” and “church people” are involved in abuse! 🙁 I am so thankful that your friend’s eyes were opened and that she ran from her abusive situation. And, I’m so glad that she has taken this to court in an attempt to tear down the veil covering this horrible process of grooming and control and abuse! It is only as we speak out boldly that things will change, and little by little we are becoming a voice!

      You’re so very right — people have a very hard time “believing” adult abuse is possible and does go on every day in horrible ways. Believe it or not, many people are unwilling to believe that child abuse goes on — even when children go to their parents in dire need of help many are turned away being told to keep quiet and stop telling such lies. Hopefully and prayerfully these days are coming to an end!

      I’m so glad you’ve been able to reconnect with your friend again. I hope that healing takes place with her and that every day will find her more and more empowered! Again, thanks so much for your comments. I’m sure you have helped many!

    • Brenda, There’s so much to think about….the scope of damage done by just one pedophile is beyond our comprehension. Every day I’m receiving so many emails from adults who were molested as children. They had nobody to go to that would believe them and even if there was “some belief”, they were pretty much told to turn a blind eye and move on. I get so upset about how things were, but I’m so empowered by the way things are going. We must keep up this momentum and be a voice!

      I’m visiting your blog right now……..

  4. I always want to run to the water to be healed. I am sorry you are hurting. I wish I had the words to help your pain go away. Pedophiles destroy so many lives, and you are so much kinder to him than I would want to be. I hope you find some sort of peace soon. Hugs to you!

    • I “get it” about the water. You’re so right. One pedophile — just one — destroys so many lives!!! In my thoughts I’m not always kind. Believe me, I go through times when my thoughts are far from kind. I’m just very glad he is sitting in prison where he can no longer continue molesting! Thank you so much for your comment. I always appreciate hearing from you.

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