Married to a Pedophile: A Meeting with the President

If you’ve been following along with my story about being married for almost forty years to a practicing pedophile, you know that we finally separated.  But, it wasn’t because I knew that he was a pedophile.  Far from it!  That knowledge wouldn’t come until four long, heart-ache filled years later.

Living in a fog — that’s the only way I can describe the first few weeks of our separation.  The one thing I dreaded most in life — a failed marriage — had finally become reality.  And, even worse was the fact that everyone would know that I was a failure.  I live in a small community and because our family was so large, we always seemed to be a topic of conversation, and this was definitely a topic people loved discussing!

Our minds can only take so much pain at a time so I retreated into the well-known fog of grief.  And, one of the greatest coping skills for those who are living through trauma is denial and the inability to think straight.

However, I didn’t have that luxury.  There was a mortgage payment to be made each month.  There were two daughters to take care of, and there were stacks of bills that needed immediate attention.  I had no idea how to do it, but one thing was certain……..  Continue reading

Married to a Pedophile: More Trouble — Federal Indictment!


When I got married, I thought I knew how my life would unfold.  Love.  Marriage.  Children.  Country home.  Gardening.  Sewing clothes.  Cooking lots of great food.  Church and at home bible studies.  Seeing kids through school then off to college.  Graduations.  Weddings.  Grandbabies.  And, finally full circle back to living with the love of my life, John, enjoying our golden years together for the remainder of our lives.

Sometimes life doesn’t work out as planned.  Mine sure didn’t!  If you’ve been reading this blog, you already  know the last part of my life has certainly been different — far, far from what my dream life was like! Even though I didn’t know at the time I was married to a practicing pedophile, there were problems in our marriage that were huge red flags.  If only I had known!  Please take a moment and start here to catch my story from the beginning.  I think it’s important for you to see how this all unfolded.         Continue reading