Married to a Pedophile: You Can Help Stop Child Molesters!


Thousands of you are viewing this blog, and you’re asking me every day, “How can I help?”  “I want to do something to keep children safe, but I don’t know where to begin.”

Well, I have a place where your voice can definitely make a difference!  Rather than write my normal blog story right now, I feel and urgency to get this information to you today!  Our help is needed and each of us can truly make a difference!

We know that one of the reasons victims don’t speak out is because they’re afraid that when they do there won’t be help for them.  They fear not being believed.  They fear that people will turn a deaf ear.  And, they fear they’ll be made to feel like it was their fault.

Another reason why victims often don’t speak up soon is because they’ve blocked this trauma in the back of their minds as a form of survival.  Imagine being a small child and having someone come into your room in the middle of night, breathing heavy     and pushing his body against yours as he begins using your innocent body for his selfish desires.  Can you imagine the fear?  Can you imagine the confusion?  Can you imagine the loneliness?  Can you imagine the pain and horror of it all?

As difficult as it is, close your eyes and become a child for a moment and imagine what that must be like and then maybe — just maybe — you’ll understand how the child tries everything humanly possible to push this trauma to the very depths of the mind where it cannot be reached in order for survival.

The only thing wrong is that eventually this pain surfaces and then there is a nightmarish hell that begins all over again as the child who has now become an adult begins to remember the horrors of the past.  At this point, many adults’ minds open up and it’s like reading the pages in a book.  They begin to see vividly what happened to them and they begin to “remember it all.”

This is the time when many victims become survivors and they speak out and want to hold their molester accountable for the horrible wrongs done to them.  But, many states have weak laws on the books — laws that have a statue of limitations of 5 years — not even long enough for the majority of victims to have time to process their personal trauma and begin to deal with it.

Here is where “YOU” come in!  There is an opportunity for you to help change the law in the state of Indiana where the statute of limitations is only 5 years!  At the time of this writing, only 548 more signatures are needed on the petition.  Please, please take this opportunity to make your voice count by signing the petition to change this law!

This will take you less than three minutes to read and sign.  Won’t you do that — for the children?  Won’t you step out and make your voice be known?  Together we are making a difference.  We must allow our victims to have enough time to come forward and identify their molesters!  We must allow our victims to be given the time they need to heal and become survivors.

Please help!  I’d love us to be part of the change needed in the state of Indiana!  For the children, let’s do it!  Please let your voice be heard!

One Voice Counts



PS  If you have not yet watched my son’s workshop video on how to keep our children safe from predators, then I would encourage you to do so now.  Please forward this on to anyone who works with children — teachers, preachers, youth leaders, daycare workers, baby sitters, parents, grandparents, doctors, nurses…..everyone needs to see what is in this workshop video spoken from the heart of the “son of a pedophile.”

Thank you for your love and your concern!

12 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: You Can Help Stop Child Molesters!

  1. Petition signed. Just found out about this blog tonight and I plan on reading to the current date before I go to bed (very late). I am a newly-decided homeschooling mom with a small child and I want to help educate our homeschool group about this and prevent this from happening to my child and other children. I am one of those moms who likes to take Mommy & Me classes and doesn’t like closed door policies at dance studios. I drive people crazy, but I don’t care. This is MY child and it is MY job to do the very best I can to keep her safe!

  2. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the U.S. Constitution has a clause called a prohibition against ex post facto laws. That means, if you change the statute of limitations , that only applies to crimes that happen in the future, after the law has been changed. Any crime that happens before the new law goes into effect has to use the old statute of limitations. The only way that can be changed is with a constitutional amendment of the federal constitution.

    The reason that they ask where you are from is that only residents of the state who are citizens can change the laws in their state. You have to be a registered voter for the signature to count. The Supreme Court won’t let pedophiles be executed. Louisiana tried.

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