By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea!

Life sometimes presses in on us from all sides.  We get stressed, obsessed, depressed, and often we don’t  know where to go for a moment of peace or comfort.

Growing up along the Atlantic coast, I found out at an early age that there is something absolutely amazing and wonderful about the ocean.  The rhythmic waves seemed to lull me into a place of calm, and to this day, that still happens.  Give me a day by the sea, and I’ll show you how quickly the stresses of life can subside!

No, I don’t live “by the sea” any more.  I live in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania.  And, while there are times when these hills and mountains are more than majestic and provide me with tremendous beauty, I still find my most treasured moments of relection and relaxation are times spent by the sea.

Please scroll along with me and enjoy some of my most peaceful places by the sea.  Ahhh….I can almost smell the salt air being carried ashore by the gentle breezes. 

Oh, how well I remember this day!  I sat on the pier and watched the boats floating gently by!

What a life!  Walking along the shore…..just me and the constant, reassuring rhythm of the waves!

Peace, perfect peace!
Okay, so the kid in me came out.  It was mid-February and I took a dive into the ocean!  Who can resist? 
The sunrise was spectacular!  This is Myrtle Beach in February — and my hearts skips a beat every time I look at this scene!  Every morning I was out along the beach snapping pictures of the sunrises!
Anybody know of a someone who needs a caretaker for their beach house?  I can be packed in 15 minutes — swimsuit, towel, shorts, t-shirt, flip-flops, and a toothbrush!  I’m ready!!!!

Clucking Today, On the Dinner Plate Tomorrow!

The beet salad was delicious!!!

Do you remember one of my biggest fears before visiting Haiti?  The food was a huge concern on mine —  most especially the thought of eating chicken feet which is considered a delicacy in Haiti!!! 

The first 24 hours there I was determined not to eat anything that was Haitian cooked.  I brought lots and lots of tuna packs and crackers with me, and I even “practiced” eating my own version of my Haitian diet for three weeks prior to boarding the plane for Haiti.  I got to the point of really liking the tuna, especially when a little bit of hot sauce from Taco Bell was added to it.

However, something strange happened to me on the second day of the trip.  When entering the dining hall (which was a small, hot,  humid concrete block room swarming with flies), I saw food laid out on the table for the blanc (white) visitors which happened to include me.  I also saw the women who had been standing up all day preparing the special meal for us.  They, too, were hot, humid, and being swarmed by flies.  They were exhausted from being up since the rooster let out his first cock-a-doodle-doo, and, in spite of the heat, exhaustion, and scarcity of food,  they had worked for hours preparing a feast just for us. 

Something in my heart changed.  I felt so humbled by the grace and love of these women that the food somehow looked different.  It looked delicious.  “Why not?  Why not at least try eating the food?” And, so I did! 

On my plate, I spooned a rice dish with creole sauce (yum!), another scoop of something that looked like fried bananas, and a portion of chicken breast.  Truly, a meal fit for a queen!  And, let’s not forget my all-time favorite — the beet salad!  It absolutely, positively was to die for, and I’m still waiting for someone to send me the recipe so that I can prepare it for my family here in the states.

As the saying goes, “You’ve come a long way, baby!”  In the morning, I heard the squawking of the chickens followed by feathers flying.  And, in the evening of that same day, I bowed my head in humble thanks for the meal that was so lovingly prepared for Team Squirt!

Talk about some God changes!!!  Just one more opportunity for me to say that God does indeed change our hearts (and our taste buds) when we allow Him!

Love and happy eating,
PS  In case you’re wondering, God didn’t perform a miracle on me–not just yet, anyway.  No chicken feet entered this mouth of mine!  He isn’t finished with me yet!    

Haiti: Weighing In, Small Planes, and No Sleep!

“Weigh the luggage…make every single item count.  Don’t even take an extra tuna packet or peanut butter cracker.”  I never knew we’d have to concern ourselves with such things when flying to Haiti!  The cost of going on a mission trip isn’t just the emotional cost or the cost of staying in the country.  The cost becomes a big concern just trying to get there!  It took three of our team members hours of phone calls, changing flight plans, and packing and repacking just to get the luggage to meet the regulations of the plane!  As you can see, we were busy little beavers weighing every piece of luggage at the airport.  Who knew flying was this complicated?!? 

  Next came the real biggie of the trip –the actual  flying!  Two of our team members had never even been on a plane before, and now they were going to have the “experience” of flying in a mini plane…..the kind that goes bump with every air pocket!  Lots of anit-nausea meds were eaten like candy prior to boarding, and there was an overall, “You’ve got to be kidding me — this is the plane that is going to carry us AND the luggage to Haiti” kind of look going on.  In other words “FEAR”!  Okay, Lori…we heard you wimper at one point, “Why am I doing this?  I never wanted to fly.  And, I’m never going to fly again.   Never, ever, ever, ever, ever.”

Want to hear one of many embarrassing moments?  Yes, we each had to step up on the luggage scale in full view of everyone and get weighed.  Ugh!  Roni, thanks so much for letting everyone know that Granny has a little work to do on my calorie counting! 

Team Squirt did okay, though!  We were given the green light to board the plane (with no promises of our luggage going with us). 

After spending a sleepless night before leaving for Florida, then another sleepless night on the floor of the airport, who really cared if the luggage arrived?  We, the official Team Squirt of Pennsylvania, were boarding our little plane for Haiti!  We were taking with us a spirit of adventure, a spirit of faith, and most of all a spirit of love.  Our mission was to do all we could to encourage those who were in despair, feed those who were hungry, and bring the message of God to those who longed for hope in seemingly hopeless situations!
And, we didn’t need luggage for any of that!

Off and at ’em, Team!  Look out Haiti, here we come……………..

PS  Obviously we survived the plane trip because I’m here to write about it.  Our biggest concern while in the air was ….of course you have to know the answer.  “Where’s the bathroom?”  You gotta love Team Squirt!  🙂
PPS  Lori did just fine.  The meds knocked her out and she never even knew she was on a plane! 

Haiti: “Only God Knows the Plan and the Heart”

Sometimes we look at people with so many preconceived ideas.  We think we know their hearts, their goals, their ambitions, and their purpose in life.  But, oh how wrong we can be — especially when God is in the mix!

Such is true for this couple, Steph and Roni.  They have totally different backgrounds, there are several years separating their ages, they had a “long distance” dating relationship, and many people said, “Oh, they’ll never make it.  They aren’t made for each other. They have so many differences that the odds are stacked against them.”

One thing people often forget to factor in is “God.”  When love for God is central in a person’s life, the other “stuff” becomes little in comparison to what really matters.

As a mother, I’ve watched with awe as this couple, Steph and Roni, have grown, blossomed, and become living examples of what love means.  I’ve seen them sacrifice for others.  I’ve seen them serve others in ways that I personally have never served.  I’ve seen their faith in God grow and blossom.  I’ve seen their love for each other blow me away!  They have a respect for each other that I didn’t know could exist in a marriage!

This young couple, against all odds, got married, and their love for each other continues to grow along with their love and dedication to God.

They took on a responsibility that many seasoned Christians would never dream of doing…..they put together a mission team of thirteen people of mixed backgrounds and diverse experiences with mission work and led one of the most powerful mission trips to Haiti ever.  Why?  Because they didn’t think about negatives; they concentrated on one thing — serving in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

One couple, plus a love for God equals immeasurable acts of love and service.
I love this young couple so much!  They are a daily inspiration to me and countless others.  And, they are a living example of what happens to lives when God is at the heart and soul of a person.

Steph and Roni, thank you for stepping out in faith and putting together “Team Squirt”!  We laughed, we served, we cried, and we loved together….all because you had the courage to step out in faith and say, “Let’s do it.  Let’s go, team!”

I can’t wait to see what all happens as God continues to grow in the hearts of this couple.  Two ordinary young kids (as some would say) against all odds accomplished many wonderful things in the name of God our Father. 

May we each learn to be open to the calling of God.  May we step out in faith.  And, may we know the joy of serving!  When in doubt, just look at this picture of Steph and Roni.  They are living examples of what happens when God is first!

Thank you for being my inspiration!  Thank you for showing how serving God is a joy, not a task.  And, thank you for encouraging me to be part of the best team I could ever have joined, “Team Squirt”!

Love forever,

Haiti: The Unmentioned Members of “Team Squirt”

It hurts so much to say good-bye!

There was a buzz going on for months about our Haiti mission trip!  Exciting plans were being made to help countless people in Haiti.  Every detail possible was thought of, including how much bug repellant to bring, what kind of soap to use, and how many changes of clothes to bring.  Lodging, plane tickets, vaccines, and countless other details were taken care of in preparation for this mission trip.

One thing that wasn’t discussed in preparation for the trip, though, was the tremendous sacrifices being made by the wives and children of those who were going on this mission trip.  They stepped aside and gave their full support knowing how difficult this time of separation would be.  They didn’t even know if they’d be able to receive a daily text message, let alone a phone call.  And, yet they selflessly said, “Go.  I want you to go and serve those in need.”   

For years I was “the preacher’s wife”– the one who got to stay at home.  Maybe that’s why I’m especially aware of the pain that those who “don’t get to go” feel.  It’s such a mixed bag of emotions — wanting the one you love to serve God in the mission field, yet knowing that you cannot be right there alongside the one you love because of responsibilities at home that must be carried on.  Truthfully, being left behind stinks! 

As I watched Natalie and Eden say their good-byes to Jimmy, my heart ached.  I saw tears streaming down their faces, and I wanted to say, “This isn’t fair.  This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!”  And, yet I knew that this couple, like every other couple that was part of “Team Squirt”,  had made extreme sacrifices so that those in need could be served.  Those who were left behind, in my opinon, are our unsung heroes. 

Without those who stayed behind, we would not have had the amazing team that went to Haiti this March!  Without selfless giving, selfless loving, and selfless dedication to God and mankind, all of the wonderful things that were accomplished with the orphans, the homeless, the sick, and those in prison never would have happened.

To those who stayed behind……guess what?  YOU are just as much a part of “Team Squirt” as the ones who set foot in Haiti.  You sacrificed your hearts, and that’s the only thing that God wants from any of us!

Love and thanks forever and ever to ALL the team members — to those who went to Haiti and those who stayed behind!   