Married to a Pedophile: Should Pedophiles Be Allowed in Church With Children?

The question comes up frequently, “What do you do with the pedophile who has repented?  He’s served his time in prison, paid his dues, said he’s sorry, has asked for forgiveness.  What is the responsibility of Christians?”

That’s a great question!  We do we do?  What do we do as families?  Welcome these people back with open arms and open hearts?  Do we forgive and forget?  Do we take the pedophile at his word  and never question him again?  Do we hold this person to some kind of accountability?  If so, what should that accountability be?

This isn’t an easy subject, and it’s certainly one that I wouldn’t have tackled on my own.  However, it’s a question that deserves our attention.  You might disagree with what I’m going to say.  You might even get a bit angry with me.  That’s okay.  The information I’m going to share is written from the son of a pedophile who is also a minister.  He spares nothing in talking about this, so I’ll forewarn you that this is difficult to read.      Continue reading