Married to a Pedophile: Should Pedophiles Be Allowed in Church With Children?

The question comes up frequently, “What do you do with the pedophile who has repented?  He’s served his time in prison, paid his dues, said he’s sorry, has asked for forgiveness.  What is the responsibility of Christians?”

That’s a great question!  We do we do?  What do we do as families?  Welcome these people back with open arms and open hearts?  Do we forgive and forget?  Do we take the pedophile at his word  and never question him again?  Do we hold this person to some kind of accountability?  If so, what should that accountability be?

This isn’t an easy subject, and it’s certainly one that I wouldn’t have tackled on my own.  However, it’s a question that deserves our attention.  You might disagree with what I’m going to say.  You might even get a bit angry with me.  That’s okay.  The information I’m going to share is written from the son of a pedophile who is also a minister.  He spares nothing in talking about this, so I’ll forewarn you that this is difficult to read.      This son of a pedophile is my son.  His story is heartbreaking.  He is the one who was approached by a victim of his dad.  He is the one who turned his dad in to the police.  He is the one who heard from his dad’s own mouth his confession of molesting many, many young children.  He is the one who has taken a stand based on God’s holy word.

Please read this article with an open heart and mind.  Child molestation is real.  It happens every day by people that we trust.  It happens by people who outwardly are kind and generous — even as they are molesting children.  It happens and it’s real.  Every day children are being molested — harmed, degraded, raped, used for someone else’s sexual gratification.  And, these children must live with this ongoing pain.

Please read, and if your heart is so moved, please share this valuable information.  For the sake of every child alive, let’s open our eyes to what goes on in the real world and step up to the responsibility and honor of keeping our children safe!

What Place Do Pedophiles Have in the Church? by Jimmy Hinton. Thank you for reading.  Thank you for your comments.  Thank you for sharing.  And, thank you for doing all you can to keep our children safe!

Together we are becoming a strong voice and shield of protection for our children!

Gift from God

If you are in need of a speaker, please contact me at .  It is my hope and prayer to continue to help!  Who needs to be educated?  We all do!  Parents, grandparents, teachers, preachers, elders, deacons, parent groups, churches, day cares…….any place that has children needs to have a safe plan in place!

I’m here to help.




23 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: Should Pedophiles Be Allowed in Church With Children?

  1. No doubt you will struggle to publish what I have just posted.
    It is from God though no matter what you do with it.
    God is speaking to you.

  2. A true repentant pedophile will not want to be around children, they will be willing to follow guidelines set up by the church such as they have to be with someone when going to the restroom, etc. They want those blocks put up for everyone’s protection, including their own. Any that say they are fine now and are asking to do anything with kids or youth should be dealt with immediately as though they are looking for children to continue their abuse.

  3. Your link to your son’s article leads to a page that says, “Permission Denied;
    Not Found / No Access; The page you are looking for either does not exist, or you do not have the permissions to access it.”

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