Thank You for the Frogs and Toads and Lizards and………

Aren’t kids’ prayers the greatest?  They don’t miss anything, do they?  When they pray, they really pray!

“Thank you for my bike, my toy that goes beep beep, for my new book bag, my shoes, and my coat. Thank you for all the pretty things in the house like the lamps and the chairs and the tables and all the soap that smells so good in the bathroom.”

“Thank you for my mommy and daddy and my baby brother and big sister.  Thank you for all my friends who come play with me and make me laugh.  Thank you for the sand and the stones and the moon and the stars and the clouds that float in the sky”

“Thank you for all of the pretty trees and flowers and the kites that fly on windy days.  Thank you for the stores and streets and the buses and cars and the trains that go past grandma’s house every day.  Thank you for cookies and milk and for all the candy that daddy gives me when mommy isn’t looking.”

By now, we’re about ready for our child to draw this prayer to a close.  After all, we’re tired and would like to sit down and relax a bit before bed, too.  “Honey, let’s bring this prayer to a close.  “God is very, very happy with your prayer.  I’m sure He is smiling about all of the things you’ve been praying about.”

“No!  I have more things to tell God.  My prayer isn’t finished yet!”  And, so the prayer continues……….

“Thank you for bugs and ants and dragons and dinosaurs.  Thank you for cows and pigs and roosters and everything that grows on farms.  Thank you for gardens and tractors and rakes and leaves and the tall trees — and the little trees, too.”

By now, our patience is running a bit thin.  “Okay, I really mean it.  It’s time to say good night to God so that mommy can shut off the light and you can get some sleep.”

“I’m almost finished with my prayer.  I promise.  Just one more thing.  Thank you, God, for the wiggly frog that I held today.  I sure hope he doesn’t give me big warts like Lukie said he would.  And, God…….please help my mommy to know how to pray.  She forgets to say thank you about a lot of stuff, but I always, always remember because I love you very much!  Amen.”

As I look into the eyes of this child of mine, I feel so ashamed.  She’s right, you know.  I don’t spend nearly enough time saying thank you to God.  She has this prayer thing down right.  And, so I turn out the light, fall to my knees, and begin my prayer…….”Thank you, God, for all the little children who teach us all about you!”

Clara — a mom who is still trying to get this prayer thing right! 

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