Married to a Pedophile: Every Human Soul is Precious!

Because this blog is growing and being shared by thousands, I am hearing more and more from adults who were sexually abused when they were children.  I must tell you that every time I hear another story, my heart bleeds just a bit more.  I had no idea that so many children have suffered silently in this horrifying pain!

It is always so wonderful when I hear of victims of abuse who have come through this dark, painful tunnel of despair and are now survivors.  They’ve made it!  Most of them will say, “I’ve found a Savior.  My God delivered me from the pain that was part of my life all of my childhood. I no longer feel the chains of shame.  I no longer struggle with the daily fear.  I no longer am filled with hatred and rage.  I am free.”

But, for many, I hear the heart wrenching words, “I want to die. I am physically impaired because of the abuse.  I feel unloveable.  I feel ashamed.  And, I don’t know how I can go on. Nobody could every love somebody like me!”    Continue reading