Married to a Pedophile: One Word that Changed My Life!

If you are new to this blog then I strongly suggest you begin reading here so that you can understand the full impact of how the mind of a pedophile works.  One of the most important things to remember is that pedophiles live in a total fantasy world and their world is built on lies.  There are days when I sit and stare blankly for hours at a time shaking my head wondering how I fell for so many lies for all of those years when I was married to John.  I’d like to think that I’m fairly intelligent and I used to pride myself on being able to see through the lies and deceit of people.

No longer do I think I’m so smart.  In fact, just the opposite.  I was living with a man and was totally devoted to him while he was lying, cheating, and deceiving me every day of my life.  There are times when I cry for hours wondering if he ever truly loved me.  We had children together and I thought those children were products of our sincere love.  Now……I doubt every bit of that.  I now believe I served only one purpose.   I was selfishly and maliciously used by this man I loved with all of my heart.  I was used to  Continue reading