The Shattered Wife — When the Truth About Your Husband Becomes Real

In the previous post I talked about why it was so difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I was married to a man who abused children for the entire forty years we were married. The shock. The shame. The craziness of it all was at times almost too much for me to absorb. There were moments when I thought I had lost my mind. While I never went into denial, I did go into a state of deep, traumatizing shock.  Continue reading

Married to a Pedophile: A Father of Abused Children Speaks Out

Today’s post is a difficult one for me to write.  Really, really difficult.  Why?  Because a father whose children were abused by my former husband is the one telling his story.  When I first met Dave and heard him speak at a child abuse workshop, I sat stunned as I heard the words he spoke with such sincerity and passion.

I asked Dave if he would consider sharing his story here, and he didn’t hesitate one second!  I wept as I read what he shared.  I wept as I thought about his daughters.  I wept as I was once again reminded of the evil actions that were committed against these precious innocent children.    Continue reading