Married to a Pedophile: Facing Father’s Day with Dad in Prison

Two years.  It’s been two years now since the father of my children was sentenced to prison for the rest of his earthly life.  He was sentenced just a couple of days before Father’s Day.  And I’m left without words.  What does a mother say to her children under circumstances like this?  “Soon you’ll all feel better.”  “Life will be back to normal before you know it.”  “Just pretend everything’s okay.”  Those words don’t fit — not at all!

What should I say?  How do I help ease the pain that is stirring within the hearts of my children right now?  They loved their dad so much!  I’m sure beneath the surface of crushing pain, there is still love.  He’s their father, but for now he’s their father who has been convicted of some of the worst offenses known to mankind.  Continue reading