Married to a Pedophile: What Does a Pedophile’s Son Have to Say?

Dear Friends and Followers of this blog,

My writings come from the perspective of a woman who was married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years.  I feel ashamed that I was so naive and so uneducated that I didn’t see the signs of what this man what doing the entire time we were married.  By his own admission, he began molesting children when he was only fourteen years old and continued right up until his arrest at age sixty-three!

One of my sons, Jimmy, has a blog educating others on how to keep our homes, churches, daycares, schools, etc. safe from sexual predators such as John (his dad).  Jimmy has written a powerful article on how to keep children safe — and he explains in detail what he is doing to keep his own daughter safe from molesters.  Jimmy corresponds with his dad (who is in prison serving a thirty year sentence) and also has read over 30 books on pedophilia since John’s arrest.  It’s Jimmy’s passion to learn what drives these people to the point of molesting children so that he can be an advocate — a strong voice — for our children.

Right now this blog is being visited by thousands daily, and I thank you so much for sharing it with friends and family and professionals.  I feel deeply moved by what Jimmy has written and ask you to take his information to heart.  Read it.  Digest it.  Pay attention to it.  Become educated.  And, do all that you can do to keep your children safe!

Please help Jimmy and me in becoming voices for the children!

Visit Jimmy’s blog here and learn what you can do to keep your child safe from predators — beginning today!



8 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: What Does a Pedophile’s Son Have to Say?

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your sons blog. It holds a wealth of information for being open such a short time! I also wanted to say thank you, again, for letting thousands of readers walk on this difficult journey towards healing. Your story (and the stories within in the story) have helped more than you’ll ever know. I, too, am working through a healing process and your words have brought a lot of awareness to things I never thought about. They have also help to trigger some memories that were buried. I am working through them with the help of an amazing counselor and God. You are an inspiration…thank you!!

    • I’m always so thankful when I read comments such as yours saying that the words of the blog(s) are helping. That’s our entire purpose for writing and sharing. I hope that as you work through your own personal journey that complete healing will continue to come. Thank’s so much for your comment!

  2. I love Jimmy’s blog! Well, when I say “love” I don’t mean enjoy exactly. It’s hard reading, just like your blog, but I am getting a LOT out of it. I feel SO much better prepared to protect our children with the information I now have. I can’t thank the two of you enough for writing about this difficult topic!

    • Zipporah, Thank you so much! Jimmy is doing a wonderful job preparing parents for the safe-keepng of their children. I’m so glad you visite his blog!

  3. I think I have missed a segment of your story. Is there a way to know what order they go in?

    • Nancy, There’s a tab at the top of my blog that says start here. Click that on and just follow along. I hope that helps. It goes in chrnological order.

  4. I just have so much admiration for you and Jimmy both in that you are opening your heart and gaping wounds to share this vital information with the world. I pray for you and your family every single day that you may heal from this horrible hurt and go on helping others to understand and heed your warnings.

    • Betty, Thanks so very much! Every time we share our story, the power that this held over us is diminished a bit more, and there is just a bit more healing. Plus, it’s a wonderful feeling deep within to know that there really and truly are children who are being kept safer. What an honor for God to use our pain to help others!

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