Married to a Pedophile: “When Every Man is Seen as a Pedophile”

The conversation today was actually very deep and solemn and beautiful on many levels.  We spoke of all of the pain in this world — especially the pain that comes to little children.  We talked about ways we could help take better care of the children in our community.  We were both sad that we felt as though we should be doing more, but didn’t know exactly what to do or how to do it.

And, then it happened.

I looked at the man with eyes that saw him as another pedophile and I knew I had to end the conversation.  I knew that sick feeling that was overcoming me meant I had shared far too much of “me” with a man I hardly knew.  I understood that feeling of betrayal and that complete lack of trust.  How dare this man I hardly know enter into a conversation about my heart, my deep inner feelings, and my beliefs!

I felt betrayed!  I felt physically ill.  Suddenly I didn’t like this man and I wanted Continue reading