Married to a Pedophile: Behind Closed Doors

I’m writing this with a very mixed bag of emotions.  Who wants to talk to the world about what goes on behind closed doors in their bedroom?  And, who wants to talk about this when family and friends are reading?  I know for a fact that I don’t want to talk about it, but there have been so many questions people have asked me that I feel compelled to write at least a little bit about this topic because it’s so very important to know how a pedophile can love children in an unnatural way, be enamored with them, get totally turned on by them, think about children day and night in sexual ways, go to great lengths to make up master plans to touch them, fondle them, get them to do things to stimulate themselves as well as satisfy the predator, and then eventually cross that line of actually having sex with a child — all the while having a relationship with a wife.

I do not know the “all” of this, nor do I claim to be an expert on this topic.  What I do know is what it was like for me to be married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years.

If you are new to this blog, I strongly suggest that you begin at the very beginning of my story.  This blog is written in increments that are building blocks of information that will help you piece together the red flags that should have set off an alarm with me, but didn’t.  It is my hope that as you read, you will be able to identify the warning signs so that you don’t have to go through forty years to find answers.

So, what was it like?  What was the sexual part of married life like?  We had eleven children together and people have constantly made comments about what a wild sex life we must have had.  Hmmm…..not hardly.  Not so at all.  In fact, most times if I didn’t initiate sex, there would have been none.

Night after night after night I would go to bed waiting for some kind of physical touch.  I would have loved holding hands.  A kiss goodnight.  A hug.  Anything.  But, part of the control as I understand it now was to make me cry.  To make me want.  To make me feel needy and small and insignificant and unappreciated.  To make me feel unattractive.  Unloved.  Unwanted.  Yes, even in our earliest years of married life together “I” was the one who had to constantly ask for some kind of physical intimacy.  How humiliating to be sharing this!!!

closed doorYou might be wanting to ask a question I get asked frequently.  “Were you a virgin when you got married.”  Yes, I was.  And, John said he was, although now I don’t at all believe that.  I dreamed about my wedding night and how wonderful it would be to present my body to the man of my dreams knowing that he was the one and only man I’d ever given myself to in that  way.  Sadly, the entire episode was over in 5 minutes and I was made to feel cheap and dirty.

Was he pushy?  Sometimes.  I’ll not share on this blog details but there were things that John did to me that made me wonder what was going on.  This was the same man who never had sex with a light on.  Never allowed me in the bathroom with him.  Never would dream of stepping into the bathroom when I was showering.  He acted like he was totally uninterested. At times he acted totally disgusted if he saw me unclothed.  And, he was.  Now, I know and understand that.

I can’t put into words how cheap this made me feel.

I used to listen to some of my friends talking about having to push their husbands away because they wanted sex all of the time.  Not mine.  In fact, on many, many occasions he couldn’t perform even when we’d gone as long as a month or more without any intimacy.  I now know why.  He was fulfilling himself with porn and visions of little children, and later on with groping, touching, fondling and eventually having sex with children.  He didn’t need me or want me.

My heart feels broken all over again — for those precious children who were used and abused.  And, I’m angry that he used me as a way to conceal who he really was — a man who was not interested in adult sex.  That was NOT his turn-on!

Sexual intimacy between husband and wife is a complex means of communication.  Yes, it is a physical fulfillment for both, but it is also an emotional bond of love and a means of saying, “You’re the most special person in this world and the only one that I am willing to share this part of myself with.”  To be denied that type of communication within a marriage hurts to the very core of a person’s heart.

After years and years of “torment”, and this is what the sexual deprivation/demand cycle was for me, I shut down and finally decided to move out of our bedroom.  It was like something inside of me snapped — the final straw.  I don’t know how I mustered the courage, but I finally said “no” to him.  I no longer would lay in bed and cry myself to sleep when he turned his back on me.  I would no longer reach out for him to hold my hand.  I no longer would accommodate him when he wanted to have intimacy (which was very rarely).

And, he was shocked!  We had many arguments the last five years together over this.  I now understand that his control over me was beginning to unravel and I’m sure that was unsettling to him.  I slept on the couch.  Sadly, my heart hardened and I made a promise to myself that no more would I allow him to hurt me in this way.  No more would I beg to be touched.  No more would I cry because I was shoved away.  It’s strangely true that after a while the pain becomes numb.  I stopped feeling.

This part of our lives was over.  BUT, the interesting thing to me was that John loved to tell stories at church that “hinted” how much we were having sex together.  He’d make comments such as, “We had a wild night last night.  Forgive me for such a short sermon.”  Or, “Look out — there just might be another little Hinton on the way.”  He knew it embarrassed me, but he also knew I’d never speak out — I’d never tell about his lies.  Even now part of me feels like a betrayer — that’s just how complete manipulation and control work.

So, what were the red flags?  What should I have seen that I didn’t?

1.  Any husband who loves his wife will communicate with her verbally and sexually.  John refused to do either.  The topic was off-limits.  He did what he wanted, when he wanted and that was that.  Period.

2.  He knew how much this “denial” hurt, yet he continued to do this making me feel humiliated when I asked.  And, I’m not just talking about intercourse.  I’m talking about holding hands, kissing, back rubs — any kind of touching.  He said it made him squeamish and he didn’t like it.  He used a lame excuse that when I touched him he could feel his blood moving through his veins and it gave him the creeps.  So, he didn’t want to be touched.

3.  Once I got pregnant, the sex stopped.  I got pregnant easily, and for John this was a blessing.  If I was pregnant, I felt satisfied.  I had a baby growing inside of me and I wasn’t as interested in intimacy with him.  He knew that.  Pregnancy was a perfect escape for him.  In fact, it was a double whammy.  He had me where he wanted me — at home, and quiet.  I wouldn’t beg him for any type of attention when I was pregnant.

4. He had control.  Sex was when he wanted and no other time.  He did not take me into consideration.  He was in charge, and no matter how much I cried or tried to talk to him about it, he wouldn’t change.  Period.  Total control!

Of course I haven’t shared everything with you.  It’s hard enough sharing this much.  But, people wonder if men who are pedophiles can have sex with a woman.  Yes, they can.  But, I wouldn’t call the sex “making love.”  I’d call it a “chore.”  I’m sure some pedophiles enjoy both women and children — an even more complicated mixed bag. But, the man I was married to made it very clear that I was not the one who satisfied him.  Again, very humiliating!

The bottom line is this:  It’s all about control.  I’ll say it again.  It’s all about control.

If you are in a marriage and you are experiencing similar things “behind closed doors”, please seek counseling.  This isn’t normal.  This really and truly isn’t healthy for a marriage.  Marriage is give and take in all areas of life!

If you are being shoved away by the very one who says he loves you, something is very, very wrong.  If you are belittled time and time again, humiliated, and hurt, something is very wrong.  If there is no verbal communication, generally there is also very poor intimate communication.  You cannot have one without the other.

What does all of this have to do with child abuse?  Truthfully, everything!  Pedophiles use children to fulfill their fantasies.  They often have wives who love and adore them, but they are more interested in scheming, planning,  and grooming children to fulfill their insatiable appetite for children.

Please, if you are in a marriage, and you are experiencing this type of mental, emotional, and physical abuse, get help now!  There is something wrong.  Don’t fool yourself into thinking this is just a passing phase.  I’m not saying all men who push away their wives are pedophiles, but I am saying something is wrong and you need to get help!

I hope this has answered some of your questions, and I pray that some of you have been enlightened.  We need to be on guard at all times!  Don’t allow a predator to come after your child in order to satisfy his unnatural, hurtful, desires for children.  Please take this seriously.  I wish I had been more aware of what a really solid marriage was like — in all areas of life.  Learn from me.  You are beautiful.  You are precious.  You are special.  Nobody should ever have to beg for love.

And, for heaven’s sake, no child should ever be placed in an at-risk situation with a malicious, harmful molester!!!!

Please let’s do all we can to keep our children safe!!! Yes, these things are embarrassing to talk about.  But, for the sake and safety of our children, let’s put our embarrassment aside and bring these things to light.  This is the ONLY way we’re going to stop these predators.  They’re counting on us not talking.  They’re counting on us to continue to keep their lies safely hidden away.

No more!  It’s time to speak the truth for the sake of our children! 

Flowers -  BLOG!!!!!!!Thank you for reading and hanging in here with me.  Together, we will make this a safer place for our children!



Married to a Pedophile: A Constant Web of Lies

Do you want to know how a wife of a pedophile feels?  Some days sad.  Some days very confused.  Some days weak in faith.  Some days in constant torment and pain.  Some days full of questions that are begging for answers.  And, some days………. mad as hell!  The mad as hell feeling doesn’t come often, but when it does I really feel it to the inner core of my being.  The story I’m going to share with you today is one that really gets my dander up.  Why?  Because I fell for one of the biggest lies ever from John and it angers me when I think of how much he must have laughed over it!

If you are new to this blog, in order to get the full story of what it was like being married to a practicing pedophile for almost forty years without knowing it,  you should start reading here.  The blogs are short, but each one is a stepping stone that shows just how manipulative these molesters are!

I remember this particular event so well. In fact, I saved the emails that were passed around the family during this traumatic time, and I just came across them the other day. Reading them took me to my knees.  It’s so hard to read about this stuff now that I can fit the pieces of this pedophilic puzzle together!

I had gone grocery shopping on Saturday and John was watching the kids.  When I came home, the house was eerily quiet.  I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t know what had happened.  I asked John and the kids what was going on, and they said everything was fine.

It wasn’t fine Not at all, but I wouldn’t find out for another few days what had happened.

About Wednesday of the following week, I received an email from one of my sons who was in college.  “Dear Mom, I’m not sure how to word this, but I know you’ll figure out how to talk to dad about this.  I’m sure it’s nothing, but just in case there’s more to it, I thought you should know.”

The email went on to explain what had happened that Saturday when I was grocery shopping.  One of my daughters had gone bouncing into my office upstairs (which was always open to everyone) thinking she could get onto my computer to do some homework.  Instead, she stood frozen by what she saw!

Sitting at my computer was John.  That in and of itself was a shock as he was always downstairs in his locked office where he kept his computer.  She was startled at finding him there.  What startled her more was what she saw!!!!

On the computer screen was some of the worst adult porn (as described to me in the email) that could be viewed.  Raw, obscene, disgusting, horrific scenes and my fifteen year old daughter walked in on her dad, the preacher, viewing this.

He began fumbling to try to X out of it, but the screen was frozen, so what did he do? He turned to her and calmly asked her to delete the porn for him.  He said he was working on his Sunday sermon and the porn just popped up on the computer screen and he didn’t know what to do!  He was caught!  Red-handed!  He was caught in a horrible lie!

Computer picturesNeedless to say, a young girl would be shocked to see her dad viewing such stuff and it worried her so much that she emailed her older brother.  He took several days to think about it then emailed me.

He said, “Talk to dad about it.  Mom, don’t get upset.  Most men look at stuff like this sometime in their life, so maybe dad just got curious.  I’m sure he has an explanation.”


I read the email probably fifty times not knowing what to do.  First, I thought I’d better talk to my daughter.  When I asked her what happened, she burst into tears.  She said, “Mom, it was horrible.  The pictures I saw where awful.  Everybody was naked.  There was blood.  There were things I didn’t know about.  And, dad just sat there and asked me to get it off of the computer because the computer was frozen.  It was sickening, Mom!”

She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed!

tissuesAs I held her I kept thinking of John telling me that he used to spend his summers looking at porn when he was young.  So, I knew he had already been exposed to this.  But now?  Not now.  He wouldn’t do that!  But, my mind kept wondering.  He was really strange in bed with me.  He never, ever used foul language — not even in a teasing way. But, it seemed as though he had lost interest in intimacy.  In fact, more often than not, he would turn his back on me and just say, “I’m tired.  Let’s just go to sleep.”  And, he had no problem going for weeks like that.  And, when he did demand intimacy, he did some really strange things.  Things that made me feel less than like a lady — less than like a woman sharing a close, warm moment with the man she loved.

I was worried.  Maybe there was another woman.  Maybe he had lost interest in me as his wife.  Maybe…..a million different thoughts raced through my mind.

That night, I mustered up the courage to bring up the topic.  I was breathing erratically — so nervous.  How do you approach this subject?  It was awkward and embarrassing, to say the least.

“John, can I talk to you?  Do you remember last Saturday when I was shopping?  Did anything out of the ordinary happen while I was gone?”

He was watching TV and never even turned his head to look at me.  I hated that! He never looked me straight in the eye! “Oh, you mean the mix-up on my computer?  Did she tell you about that?  I guess I should have mentioned it.  I’m studying for a series I’m going to preach on porn addiction, so I thought what better way to find out what’s out there than to get on the computer and see for myself.  So, I typed in a few words and there it was!”

“What do you mean you were studying for a sermon?  You need to look at hard-core porn to study for a sermon?”

“Sure.  Haven’t you read what Dr.  Dobson has to say on the subject?  That’s where I got the idea from.  He said if you haven’t seen it, you can’t preach about it.  You have to view the porn to get into the mind of the guys who get hooked on it.  So, I have to look at some of this stuff if I want my sermon series to be effective.”

Dr_ Dobson's Handbook of Family AdviceDo you want to know what’s weird?  I believed this lie one hundred per cent!  In fact, I apologized for ever questioning John.  I said I’d talk to our daughter and reassure her that he was just prepping for a sermon.  And, I never brought up the subject again!

How many red flags and lies can you see in this one story?  I’ve thought a million times over why John used MY computer upstairs to do his dirty work.  He never used my computer — he had his own private, locked office with his own computer.  I think this was another one of his tests.  How much would I believe?  How dedicated to him were his children.  Who would we tell about this?  Would we make a big deal?  Or would we believe his lies once again?

Shock.  Lies.  Denial.  More lies.  Control.  Making a person question themselves.  Making a person feel bad for ever questioning his motives.

I actually ended up apologizing to John over and over for being so stupid as to question him about this.  I said, “I should have known better.  I know you had a good reason for looking at that stuff. I don’t know why I ever questioned you.”

He smiled.  Pure satisfaction.

So, I did what any brainwashed, dedicated wife would do.  I sent out a family email to the older kids telling them that I talked to dad and everything was fine.  I explained that he was researching for a sermon series and that it was unfortunate their sister had walked into my office at that moment.  But, all was well and there was no need to worry.

I never brought the subject up again.  Not ever. And, neither did the kids. 

However, I find it interesting that I saved those emails from over fifteen years ago!  In fact, I printed them off and kept them in my personal files.  Deep inside of me I knew something was very wrong.  I felt it.  I had caught John in other lies but never made a big deal about it.  My gut was telling me something was very wrong, but I just couldn’t put the pieces together!

Why didn’t I search on his computer?  Keep in mind I never had access to his computer. His office was locked at all times and he held the only key to it.  I also found out much later that he was very computer savvy.  He knew how to hack into emails.  He knew his way around a computer very effectively.  He was no dummy!  Still, I never questioned him.  I was so intent on being a “good Christian wife” that I thought it would be wrong of me to do anything except completely believe him.  He was a godly man, a godly father, and it was my duty to respect him at all times.  And, I did!

Beware!  Pedophiles are liars!  Pedophiles are very involved in porn!  Pedophiles test people.  Pedophiles make sure they have won your complete trust.  Pedophiles practice molesting over and over in their minds before they actually touch a child.  They plan every detail.  They make lists.  They think of every possible scenario before making their move. They target who they will molest. They work methodically and precisely!  Please get a copy of Conversations With a Pedophile.  This book is a hard read, but it’s incredibly helpful!  Learn about how a pedophile works from the very mouth of a man who was a practicing pedophile for years and is serving a life sentence in prison just like John!

I was trying so hard to be the Christian wife and mother — so worried about being completely trusting and all-forgiving, that I gave John the benefit of the doubt in all areas of life.  And, I was teaching our kids to do the same.  “Never question dad.”  I was truly the perfect mate for a practicing pedophile.  He pushed me aside time and time again while he was carrying out his manipulative, controlling plans in order to fulfill his evil, selfish lustful desire of children.  How do I know? Because when he was arrested, the evidence was all there.  And, by his own admission in court, this was his life for fifty years. Lies.  Porn. Control.  Child molestation.

Who is the child molester?  The child molester can be anyone! 

Who will be the next victim?  Please don’t let it be your child!  Keep your guard up at all times.  Be careful who you trust!  Look for the signs.  Listen to the lies.  “A minister has to view hard-core porn in order to teach about it.”  Really?  I wasn’t thinking!  Does this mean that a minister has to molest children in order to teach about it?  I was so incapable of thinking for myself that I tremble when I think I might have fallen for that lie, too!  This is how victims are — incapable of thinking for themselves.  They fall into the trap of believing the lies! 

Learn from my life!  Listen to me clearly!  Watch for a person who is constantly studying people.  Beware of the person who is “too good to be true” — always has his life in order, always in control, always helpful way beyond the call of duty, always offering to help babysit and take your children to the park to give you a break. You know what I’m talking about!  And, remember — if your instinct tells you something is wrong, it probably is!

Work with me to keep our children safe!  Together we can be a voice that is heard!  Let’s make it so hard for these manipulative liars to get to our children that they finally walk away and give up!



If you are interested in having me speak to your mom’s group about putting plans in place to keep your children safe, please email me at .  I want to help!