Why Are You Going There?

In all honesty, I wasn’t prepared for so many “why” questions.  I cannot tell you how many people have asked me, “Why are you going to Haiti?”  “That’s no vacation!”  Why put yourself through so much to go there?” 

Once again, I’ve had to do a lot of introspection, and that’s not a bad thing.  I’ll bet I’ve asked myself that same “why” question at least a thousand times already.  “Why am I going to Haiti?”  I’ve gone around and around with this question, and if you’ve been reading along on this blog, you already know some of my fears. 

In the end, it all boils down to this.  Why am I going to Haiti?  I’m going because I love God.  Period.  God has asked each of us to love others as we love ourselves.  That’s no easy task — at least it’s not an easy one for me!  I love children.  I love moms and dads.  I love teenagers.  I love old people.  (I’d better love old people, because that includes me!)  But, I can’t say that I love others as I love myself.  I’m selfish and self-centered about so much in life.  And, the more I prepare for this trip to Haiti, the more I’m beginning to understand “me” and my relationship with God. 

Why am I going to Haiti?  I’ll say it again.  I’m going because I love God.  He spoke to me in so many different ways about this trip, and I fought Him.  I’m still not jumping for joy over this “opportunity”, but I’m going. 

I’m going because I love God.  And, I know that God loves everyone — including every man, woman, and child living in Haiti.  In my search for more of God and less of me, I’m going to Haiti, and I know with full confidence that I will find a lot more of God and my life will be centered around a lot less of me.

Only forty two more days……….

PS  A very special thanks to all who are in prayer about this trip.  Guess what?  Your prayers are working!