God is NOT Invisible!

For most of my life I believed that God was invisible.  I truly believed that it was impossible for us to see Him while living on this earth.  But, I was wrong.  So, very wrong. 

I have seen God in a rainbow following the death of my baby boy.  God’s love was shining brightly, and He delivered me hope.

I saw God the day my sister died.  His love was so strong that He held me up knowing that I didn’t have the strength to stand on my own.  He was dressed in a black dress with a hat and had tears streaming from the corners of sorrow-filled eyes.

I saw God and His love each and every time a child of mine was born.  His skin was soft and smoothe and His hair was fuzzy.  He was warm to touch and His breathing beat in sync with mine.  

I saw God feeding the poor as He tenderly looked into the eyes of each one.  I saw God handing out blankets to those who were without clothes giving them shelter from the cold and stormy night.  I saw God holding the hand of the dying person whose body was riddled in pain and whose heart was full of shame.  I saw God blooming in flowers as they were delivered to the lonely person in the nursing home.

I saw God reaaching out and holding the children who were orphaned and alone showering them with love and helping them feel warm and secure.

I saw God in every color, shape and size.  I saw God living in the skin of a servant filled with mercy and love.

And, in just 19 days, I will get to experience seeing God again as He tends to the needs of the sick, the lonely, the orphaned, the starving, and those dying without any hope.  I will see God again and again, and I am so thankful for that privilege of walking beside such servants of love!


Why Are You Going There?

In all honesty, I wasn’t prepared for so many “why” questions.  I cannot tell you how many people have asked me, “Why are you going to Haiti?”  “That’s no vacation!”  Why put yourself through so much to go there?” 

Once again, I’ve had to do a lot of introspection, and that’s not a bad thing.  I’ll bet I’ve asked myself that same “why” question at least a thousand times already.  “Why am I going to Haiti?”  I’ve gone around and around with this question, and if you’ve been reading along on this blog, you already know some of my fears. 

In the end, it all boils down to this.  Why am I going to Haiti?  I’m going because I love God.  Period.  God has asked each of us to love others as we love ourselves.  That’s no easy task — at least it’s not an easy one for me!  I love children.  I love moms and dads.  I love teenagers.  I love old people.  (I’d better love old people, because that includes me!)  But, I can’t say that I love others as I love myself.  I’m selfish and self-centered about so much in life.  And, the more I prepare for this trip to Haiti, the more I’m beginning to understand “me” and my relationship with God. 

Why am I going to Haiti?  I’ll say it again.  I’m going because I love God.  He spoke to me in so many different ways about this trip, and I fought Him.  I’m still not jumping for joy over this “opportunity”, but I’m going. 

I’m going because I love God.  And, I know that God loves everyone — including every man, woman, and child living in Haiti.  In my search for more of God and less of me, I’m going to Haiti, and I know with full confidence that I will find a lot more of God and my life will be centered around a lot less of me.

Only forty two more days……….

PS  A very special thanks to all who are in prayer about this trip.  Guess what?  Your prayers are working!

On the Way to God’s Garage!

This blog spot is about healing, and sometimes I feel really bad that I lack organization. My topics are here, there, and everywhere…..some funny, some real tear-jerkers, some kind of blah, but all with an intended meaning to help bring us closer to a healing place in life! So, bear with this old mom and read on about some of my thoughts following my daughter’s trip home from a mission trip in Haiti.

Right up front I’ll put it on the plate. I know that not everybody is in favor of “us” (US citizens) being in another country helping out when we have so many problems right here under our own noses. However, I’m entitled to my own belief and opinions, and I want to say that I know that we should be helping all people who are in need, not just those in foreign countries. We are to serve wherever our hearts lead us. The key word phrase here is “we are to serve”, not sit idly by and complain, fuss, and give thoughtful insights as to how the world got to be such a terrible place. We are to get up off of our dusty butts and do something to help better our world!

That being said, I will tell you that I am a most thankful person every day of my life. I’m thankful for things like food, a home, peace within the walls of my home, health, a loving family…..all of the things that everyone places at the top of their own thankful lists. But, when my daughter and her fiancee‘ came home from serving a week in a Haitian orphanage, spending time hugging the aged and those dying alone , and visited a debtor’s prison, my life experienced unrest and is still in a mindset of restlessness.

I say “thank you” for everything, and every day I am overcome with appreciation for my wonderful blessings. But, when I saw the photos that Stephanie shared of the Haitian children, something began hurting in my heart like never before. I saw the faces of the oppressed. I saw the look of loneliness. I definitely saw starvation. The intense, sweltering heat, and the lack of blessings such as cold, pure drinking water were evident in every photo. No formula for babies. Nobody to extend caring, loving arms to children roaming the streets with no place to call home. My heart really aches just writing these words!

Here I sit and not far beyond the boundaries of my home is the daily scene of poverty, not just physical poverty, but spiritual poverty, and I’m aware of this. Yet……I sit. Something very big is missing in my own heart that Stephanie and the others who went on this trip possess. My heart is missing the final part of love. My heart is missing the “giving” part. My heart is missing the “action” part of love! I say love with my lips, I feel it in my heart, but I’m not always living it. My heart needs a tune-up and I cannot rest until I get my heart into “God’s Garage” and allow Him to give this old woman the tune-up of her life.

Stay tuned……..I’ll be posting lots more of my thoughts and actions in the days to come. Want to join me as I travel to the tune-up place? I’m not sure yet just where it’s located, but I know I’m on my way, and I know the Master Mechanic that’s in charge!

