The phone call came in midday, and it wasn’t pretty. “Your funding has just been cut by at least fifty percent and orders are to call each of your providers to stop spending another cent until we find out more about this crisis. We might be closing our doors at the end of the month.”
As a recently divorced mom (ouch! It still pains me to even say the word “divorce” — we’ll talk more about that in another post) and the sole provider for our home, my head started throbbing and felt like it was going to split wide open. A bazillion thoughts went circling through my brain and the most common one was, “You and the girls are going to be homeless. You’ll have to live in a shelter or some tent in the middle of no-man’s land.”
If you’re like me when you get hit with bad news, you want to do what every woman wants to do: eat everything in sight and go shopping! So, that is exactly what this woman set out to do!
It just so happened that there was an ice-cream social planned for that afternoon of our training, and I’ll tell you what — I ate ice cream like there was no tomorrow, and I’ve never regretted doing it, either! Every one of those five thousand calories tasted scrumptious!
Oh, my goodness! These fresh strawberries were so sweet and juicy — tasted like they were picked fresh off of the vine! And, the cherries are a “must have” for any sundae of mine! Lots of them piled on top!
And, the toppings! Every topping you could think of was there on that dessert table! Insert drooling mouth right here. All kinds of nuts, chocolates, sauces, and the fancy, schmancy whipped cream. Oh, yeah! Gobs and gobs of the real stuff whipped to perfection!!
What can I say? When you’re on a roll, go with it. Following the sundaes, came slushies, smoothies, and milkshakes, too! Yes, there really is a medicinal purpose for ice cream! It preserves a woman’s sanity when faced with a crisis!
PS Any flavor will do! I’ve tried them all (I think) and I haven’t found a combination yet that I don’t absolutely love! *For medicinal purposes only, of course!
Note: To those who have been so kind in asking, thankfully I do still have my job, although the funding cuts remain in place. I love the work that I do, as well as love the people I work with! And, these funding cuts made it possible for me to branch out and do some part-time work which has also given me opportunities to meet many, many new and wonderful people. Am I blessed, or what?