Haiti: The Unmentioned Members of “Team Squirt”

It hurts so much to say good-bye!

There was a buzz going on for months about our Haiti mission trip!  Exciting plans were being made to help countless people in Haiti.  Every detail possible was thought of, including how much bug repellant to bring, what kind of soap to use, and how many changes of clothes to bring.  Lodging, plane tickets, vaccines, and countless other details were taken care of in preparation for this mission trip.

One thing that wasn’t discussed in preparation for the trip, though, was the tremendous sacrifices being made by the wives and children of those who were going on this mission trip.  They stepped aside and gave their full support knowing how difficult this time of separation would be.  They didn’t even know if they’d be able to receive a daily text message, let alone a phone call.  And, yet they selflessly said, “Go.  I want you to go and serve those in need.”   

For years I was “the preacher’s wife”– the one who got to stay at home.  Maybe that’s why I’m especially aware of the pain that those who “don’t get to go” feel.  It’s such a mixed bag of emotions — wanting the one you love to serve God in the mission field, yet knowing that you cannot be right there alongside the one you love because of responsibilities at home that must be carried on.  Truthfully, being left behind stinks! 

As I watched Natalie and Eden say their good-byes to Jimmy, my heart ached.  I saw tears streaming down their faces, and I wanted to say, “This isn’t fair.  This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!”  And, yet I knew that this couple, like every other couple that was part of “Team Squirt”,  had made extreme sacrifices so that those in need could be served.  Those who were left behind, in my opinon, are our unsung heroes. 

Without those who stayed behind, we would not have had the amazing team that went to Haiti this March!  Without selfless giving, selfless loving, and selfless dedication to God and mankind, all of the wonderful things that were accomplished with the orphans, the homeless, the sick, and those in prison never would have happened.

To those who stayed behind……guess what?  YOU are just as much a part of “Team Squirt” as the ones who set foot in Haiti.  You sacrificed your hearts, and that’s the only thing that God wants from any of us!

Love and thanks forever and ever to ALL the team members — to those who went to Haiti and those who stayed behind!   

Haiti: What Do Sandals Have to do with a Mission Trip?

“Now these are what I call sandals!”

What in the world do sandals have to do with this Haiti mission trip?  Brace yourself, because you’re going to learn a lot about the spirit of “Team Squirt” through these sandals.

Two days before leaving for Haiti, I received a call from my daughter, Steph.  “What size sandal does Jimmy wear?”  (Jimmy is her brother who also went on the trip.)  “Uh, I think size 12.  Why?”

“Well, Roni (Steph’s husband who also went on the trip) and I were talking last night, and we’re buying Jimmy some new sandals.” 

“Why? Jimmy has sandals.  You know that.”

“Mom, Jimmy is wearing the same pair of beat up Walmart sandals that he’s been wearing for the past ten years.  The soles are worn through, and you know that Jimmy will never buy anything for himself.  He gives to everybody else, but never spends a dime on himself!  Roni and I researched and we know just the pair we’re going to get him!  Honest, mom, these sandals are so comfortable, and they come with a guarantee.  They really will last Jimmy for the next ten years!”

Fast forward to the airport.  We thirteen team members arrived on different planes and met in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to board our final plane to Cap Haitien.  There was a secret about to unfold and only a few of us were in on the surprise!

Picture this:  Steph and Roni ran up to greet Jimmy in the airport (who was wearing his flippy-floppy worn out sandals)  almost tripping over their own feet while shoving  the box into Jimmy’s hands.

“What are you guys doing? How about a hug or something like that?” (They hadn’t seen each other since Christmas.)

“Open it, Jimmy!  It’s for you!  Hurry up!  Open it!”  (Honestly, this reminded me of Christmas back when the kids were little!)

Standing off to the side watching from a mother’s vantage point, you have no idea how much my heart was racing with excitement and overflowing with a sentimental joy.  Not often do I ever hear of adult brothers and sisters doing things like this for each other.  Roni and Steph took some of their hard-earned money that they had been saving and got Jimmy a “supreme pair of sandals” smothered in love.  They wanted the very best for Jimmy, and that’s what he got!  They sacrificed big time to see that their brother had decent sandals to trod the soil of Haiti while visiting the orphans, the homeless, and the sick.

In my opinion, the spirit of “Team Squirt” began long before we reached Haitian soil.  This spirit of sacrificially giving, of loving one another, and of sincerely caring for each other began months prior to this trip. I could recount story after story of the 13 team members making tremendous sacrifices to make sure everyone had enough money, supplies, and food to go on the trip.  What a team!!! 

“Just a pair of sandals”, you say.  Not hardly!  These sandals represent the sole mission of “Team Squirt” — to be the very hands, feet and heart of Jesus! 

Stay tuned for more of the “inside” stories of our trip to Haiti.  I promise that you won’t be disappointed!

PS  Guess where Jimmy’s old sandals went?  In the very first trash recepticle he found in the airport!  And, the new sandals?  A perfect fit, and I’m glad we all liked them because those will be attached to Jimmy for the next 15 years! 

Haiti: What Do Sandals Have to do with a Mission Trip?

“Now these are what I call sandals!”

What in the world do sandals have to do with this Haiti mission trip?  Brace yourself, because you’re going to learn a lot about the spirit of “Team Squirt” through these sandals.

Two days before leaving for Haiti, I received a call from my daughter, Steph.  “What size sandal does Jimmy wear?”  (Jimmy is her brother who also went on the trip.)  “Uh, I think size 12.  Why?”

“Well, Roni (Steph’s husband who also went on the trip) and I were talking last night, and we’re buying Jimmy some new sandals.” 

“Why? Jimmy has sandals.  You know that.”

“Mom, Jimmy is wearing the same pair of beat up Walmart sandals that he’s been wearing for the past ten years.  The soles are worn through, and you know that Jimmy will never buy anything for himself.  He gives to everybody else, but never spends a dime on himself!  Roni and I researched and we know just the pair we’re going to get him!  Honest, mom, these sandals are so comfortable, and they come with a guarantee.  They really will last Jimmy for the next ten years!”

Fast forward to the airport.  We thirteen team members arrived on different planes and met in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to board our final plane to Cap Haitien.  There was a secret about to unfold and only a few of us were in on the surprise!

Picture this:  Steph and Roni ran up to greet Jimmy in the airport (who was wearing his flippy-floppy worn out sandals)  almost tripping over their own feet while shoving  the box into Jimmy’s hands.

“What are you guys doing? How about a hug or something like that?” (They hadn’t seen each other since Christmas.)

“Open it, Jimmy!  It’s for you!  Hurry up!  Open it!”  (Honestly, this reminded me of Christmas back when the kids were little!)

Standing off to the side watching from a mother’s vantage point, you have no idea how much my heart was racing with excitement and overflowing with a sentimental joy.  Not often do I ever hear of adult brothers and sisters doing things like this for each other.  Roni and Steph took some of their hard-earned money that they had been saving and got Jimmy a “supreme pair of sandals” smothered in love.  They wanted the very best for Jimmy, and that’s what he got!  They sacrificed big time to see that their brother had decent sandals to trod the soil of Haiti while visiting the orphans, the homeless, and the sick.

In my opinion, the spirit of “Team Squirt” began long before we reached Haitian soil.  This spirit of sacrificially giving, of loving one another, and of sincerely caring for each other began months prior to this trip. I could recount story after story of the 13 team members making tremendous sacrifices to make sure everyone had enough money, supplies, and food to go on the trip.  What a team!!! 

“Just a pair of sandals”, you say.  Not hardly!  These sandals represent the sole mission of “Team Squirt” — to be the very hands, feet and heart of Jesus! 

Stay tuned for more of the “inside” stories of our trip to Haiti.  I promise that you won’t be disappointed!

PS  Guess where Jimmy’s old sandals went?  In the very first trash recepticle he found in the airport!  And, the new sandals?  A perfect fit, and I’m glad we all liked them because those will be attached to Jimmy for the next 15 years! 

Haiti: “Team Squirt” – Thirteen Ordinary People on a Mission!

Departure from PA — on our way to meet the Nashville crew!

On March 16, 2012 a group of ten very ordinary people gathered together in Latrobe, Pennsylvania at a very small airport to say their farewells to family and friends before boarding a plane for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where they would meet up with three more very ordinary people (not present in this picture because they were flying in from Nashville, Tennessee). 

This group of 13 people would form what would affectionately be named “Team Squirt” (to be explained in another post) or more formally known as the “Haiti Mission Team” sponsored by the Somerset Church of Christ.

The team consisted of two busisnessmen, two nurses, one doctor, one medical transcriptionist, one teacher, one valet manager, one assistant locations manager for the film industry, one preacher, two students, and one granny.  Ordinary people with quite diverse backgrounds. 

I’ll be the first to admit that I wondered how this “team” would do being confined in such tight quarters that everybody knew when the other had to use the bathroom.  Would there be arguments when the days were hot and everyone was dusty and sweaty?  Would there be impatience with the lack of “stuff” that we were used to such as hot showers, private space, comfy beds, and daily trips to get some Starbucks coffee? Would we get on each other’s nerves?  Would we be able to bond and work well together as a team?   

My mind was full of questions.  My heart was excited, but also filled with fear.  Yet, here I was……..boarding the plane, taking off for a world totally unknown to me. 

I sucked in my breath and uttered a prayer as I sat down in my seat on the plane.  “God, please get me through this week and get me back home in one piece!”   

Little did I know what all God had in store for me and “Team Squirt.”  I promise that as you follow along with these blog posts you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll ask questions, and most of all you’ll understand how God uses everyday, ordinary people to carry out extraordinary things in His name in order to honor and glorify Him.

Clara (Granny)
PS  Look out team members ’cause I’m telling all!   There will be no secrets in this blog including the many adventures of Mary Ann’s Vera Bradley bag! 

God, I’m Running Out of Excuses!

Today I attended the second meeting about the trip to Haiti — the trip that “I” will be going on this March.  God and I have had many, many conversations about this trip, and so far He seems to be getting His way — even though I’ve been trying out every excuse in the book NOT to go!   

My daily conversations with God for the past few months have been blunt and to the point.  “God, I don’t want to go.  Send somebody else.  My job is to stay here — home — right where I want to be.”  I’ve thought of excuse after excuse as to why I’m not the right person to be going on this trip.  And, I thought my excuses were pretty good, too!   

“God, you know for a fact that I don’t have the money.”  His reply to this was simple and quick.  “Here you go….a friend has just donated the money for you to go!”  All I could think was, “Why?  Now why did he do that?!?!?  Why did he have to give that money for me?” 

“I’m way too old for this trip and I won’t be able to climb up into the truck while traveling to villages or spend long days in the sweltering heat.”  My doctor, after examining me said, “You must be doing something right.  Your health checks out better than it has in years. Keep up the great work!”  Another excuse went down the drain.  I can’t believe this!  God thinks I can survive the steaming heat while packed together like sardines on a rickety truck in a foreign land.  Are you kidding me?  “God, this is a joke, right?” 

“My kids will miss me and I’m needed right here at home. You know how much they need me, God. Besides, there are birthdays in March and a new grandbaby is due to be born.”  Well, God must have laughed at that one!  Five of my kids are going on this trip to Haiti — that’s half of my family.  In fact, they are the ones planning this trip!  And, so God wins out on this one, too.  “Listen to me child.  You’re going to be with your family!  This is going to be great!”  I had no answer for God on this one. 

“I’m not in a strong enough place emotionally to see any kind of human suffering.”  Oh, God showed me how wrong I was on this excuse, too!  My children have had a year of unbelievable pain.  Never in a million years would I have ever imagined the trials our family would be asked to endure.  And, you guessed it.  God made sure I stayed strong so that I could be “mom” and “gram” to my hurting children. 

“God, I give up!  You win!  I’m going on this trip, but I’m afraid…..I’m afraid you’ve called on the wrong person.” 

It is now forty seven days until a team of thirteen, myself included, will depart for Haiti to spend time with precious souls.  I’m trying to pump myself up for this, but I’ve got to tell you that I really am afraid.  I’m not even sure of what.  Everything, I guess.  And, so I’m going to write my thoughts each day and have you, my friends, join me for what will no doubt be the most life-changing event of my life! 

I’m feeling pretty wimpy right now, but God seems to think I can do this.  He and I are still debating, and so far He’s winning.  Stick with me and let’s see what all He has in store for this old granny! 

PS  The picture posted here is my daughter, Stephanie, on one of her trips to Haiti.  She absolutely, positively radiates God’s love.  Maybe, just maybe, God wants me to do a little radiating, too!