Valentine’s Day – Let’s Share the Love!

On March 16, 2013 a team of seven will depart for Haiti once again.  Some of us know each other; others of us will be meeting for the first time.  Our common ground is a strong desire to “share the love” in Haiti!

“Jesus loves the little children — all the children of the world!”  These are “our children” in Haiti!

She was such a sweetheart — so sick from malnourishment.  She is our neighbor, a child precious in the sight of God.  A soul who longs to be fed — both physically and spiritually.  Oh, what a privilege it is to help!

We even got to help with hair cutting day at the orphanage!

Words can’t express the joy it was to be part of the hands and feet that handed out rice to those who hadn’t eaten anything for days!  God bless those who gave so generously back home so that the team could be the deliverers of this labor of love!  I’ll never eat a grain of rice again without saying a prayer of thanks — and without the desire to share! 

Wash day is every day at the orphanage!  And, great care is taken to grow fresh garden vegetables — not easy to do in the blazing heat and drought of the summer!

These children wait — and wait — and hope — and pray that someone will come!  Someone who will hold them, teach them, talk with them, and care!!!  They long for the hands and feet of Jesus to walk and talk among them! 

Never will I forget what the interpreter told me:  “The girls are very shy — they don’t know how to act.  Nobody has ever told them that they are beautiful before.”  I cried.  I still pray and cry for these lovely girls!
I could post so many more pictures — tons of them.  I took over a thousand while in Haiti last year.  Why?  Because I wanted to capture as much as I could so that my heart would never again grow cold or luke warm to the needs of others. 
I’ll be leaving again for Haiti in just a few weeks — March 16, 2013.  If your heart is moved to “share the love”, will you help by giving towards this trip for the children?   They need food.  They need love.  They need medical help.  They need Jesus.  They need people to roll up their sleeves and go.  They need people to give of their finances.  Just $5 — the cost of a specialty drink in the United States — can help feed so many children!  You have no idea how far a bag of rice can stretch!   
If you’d like to help “share the love”, please do it right now while your heart is moved.  Click on the link and give.  I promise you that every cent will be used for this cause.  There are no hidden agendas.  No hidden administrative costs. 
Yes, I will give to the Haiti mission 2013 trip :  On behalf of the children, thank you so very, very much!
Haiti — a land of so much natural beauty, but filled with so much pain!  Thank you!  Thank you for helping!
For the children,
PS  I apologize for not having all of my photos lined up properly and for not having all of my script “just so”, but I’m still in the learning stages of blogging.  Thanks for understanding!  I’m still very much a work in progress!