Married to a Pedophile: Loving the Lonely

Thank you for continuing to read this blog and to take this seriously.  When I first began sharing my story, I wasn’t exactly sure how this would unfold.  Would people get tired of reading this?  Would people think this was made up drama?  Would people turn away and say this is too much?

Thankfully, you’ve stayed.  And, you’ve shared.  And, you’ve opened up.  Many of you have emailed and said, “This is the first time in my life that I’m telling anyone I was sexually abused as a child.”  That’s powerfully healing!!! And, for that I’m so very thankful.  Something that has triggered anger in me, though, is hearing over and over again from the abused about how difficult it is to find a place in this life where there is a feeling of safety, value, and worth.       Continue reading