Married to a Pedophile: “Where Have You Been?”

“Where have you been?”  “What’s been going on?”  “Are you okay”  “Why haven’t you been writing?”  The questions have been pouring in and I’m finally slowing down enough to answer your questions.

I have been taking a break from the heavy stuff in life so that I could totally, completely, and wonderfully enjoy the marriages of two of my daughters.  Can you believe it?  Two marriages in less than four weeks!!!!  I cannot even begin to put into words how my heart felt as I watched my daughters — hearts so full of love and joy —  join hands and hearts forever with the men of their dreams.  My heart throbbed so hard that there were moments when I thought it would explode.  Our family has gone through so much sadness in the past three years that it was truly a God-given break away from the hard, heartbreaking stuff to see and feel and share so much joy!

If you are new to this blog, I would strongly urge you to begin reading here. It’s so important for you to understand why my joy is beyond measure right now!   Continue reading