Married to a Pedophile: Son of a Pedophile Speaks Out

You’ve been hearing from me, the former wife of a pedophile, for several months now. I’ve been telling my story about what it was like being married to a practicing pedophile and not finding out about this “dark side” until after almost forty years of marriage.

I will continue to tell my story and expose more and more of the “red flags” that were present in our marriage from the very day we were married.  This is a difficult thing to talk about — certainly not a pleasurable topic — but the message must get out if we are going to halt these molesters and do all that we can to keep our children safe.

But, what about my children?  They’ve suffered untold grief since finding this out about their dad.  They respected him above anyone else on earth.  He was the father that they were so very proud of — the one that other kids envied.  And, now….he sits in prison for the remainder of his days as a punishment for crimes he committed against many, many children.

My son Jimmy has the very unique position in our family of being the sixth child — making him a middle child.  He also is a minister, but not just any minister.  He is serving at the very same church where his dad served for over thirty years.    Continue reading