Married to a Pedophile: How I Fell In Love With Bikers!

Just for today I’m going to skip over a lot of years and take you to that moment in the courtroom when I heard my ex-husband stand before the Judge and plead his case for mercy on HIS behalf.  Rather than fall down on his knees and sob and cry and beg forgiveness for all of the harm he had inflicted on children over the past 45 years while he molested children, he stood before the Judge with calm composure and boldly stated why his sentence should be reduced.  He elaborated why he could be “useful” in the community to help “teach about child molesters” by visiting churches and schools (which just so happen to be two of the biggest places pedophiles find children to molest).

His voice did not waver.  He did not once express his sorrow for all of the wrong his had done and the lifetime of pain his actions caused to many. Instead, he fought for HIS freedom, HIS lesser sentence.

Never will I forget that moment in court.  I had to go to hear it with my own ears.  I had to see him standing there.  I had to hear the words come out of his mouth that he had spent weeks preparing.

I had not prepared myself for the lack of emotion he had for the children he molested.  I was in no way prepared to see him stand tall and speak eloquently on HIS behalf.  That is the moment my broken heart shattered.  His thoughts were about himself — not for the children who had been fondled, touched, groped, raped, manipulated, used, and made to feel afraid, ashamed, and so confused by his actions.

I recorded every bit in my journal that night, but I have not had the courage or strength to revisit that particular day’s thoughts in my journal yet.  It’s far too soon.

Many of you continue to ask me, “What can I do?  What can I do to prevent child abuse?  What can I do to keep our neighborhood, our church, our playgrounds and parks safe?”

The first thing we can do is continue to get educated on the topic of child molestation — most especially continue to read everything you can about how the calculating actions of child molesters work!

Secondly, continue to share this blog.  I am pulling open my heart and spilling out things that are hard — really hard — for me to share.  But, I’m doing it so that I can go to bed every night knowing that I’ve done something to help keep little children safe!  Education is empowerment.  Education brings about change.  Education is the building block on which we will stand and reach out to our children!

Thirdly, I ask you to look for local resources that are cropping up to help in this war against child abuse.  And, believe me, this is a WAR! 

Lastly, let’s play out this courtroom scene a little bit differently.  Let’s change the scene to see how different things could have been.

I wonder how the scene would have changed that day if John had been face-to-face with some of the little children he molested as they pointed out, “It’s him!  It’s him!  He’s the one that did those terrible things to me!”

I wonder how those children’s lives would have changed if there had been a group available for them such is cropping up right now in the United States known as BACA — Bikers Against Child Abuse.  I wonder how big and powerful and mighty pedophiles would feel if they knew that every child they tried to abuse was covered by the love and protection of a family of BACAS!  I just wonder the impact that is already being made in the lives of children by these men who have stepped up to the plate and are being more than a voice — they are being a presence — a PRESENCE in the lives of abused children giving them empowerment and a feeling of worth!

Bikers.  Often misunderstood when they wear their bandanas and rev up the engines of their big, powerful bikes, but look at the good these BACA bikers are doing!  I just wonder how the well-dressed, articulate pedophile who hides under the mask of preacher, priest, teacher, coach, attorney, rich businessman would feel is he knew that standing by every child was a BACA member ready to step in and protect the children!

Following is a 14 minute video, and it’s worth every second of viewing time!  Watch it, please!  Check your area to see if you have a BACA chapter near you.  If you do, call them and ask how you can get involved.  If you are a biker, this is your opportunity to do something that will literally save children’s lives.

Bikers Against Child Abuse want to be the plague to end all child abuse!

Please use this as a resource for your local community!  BACA Bikers — I love you!  We love you!  The children love you!  Thank you for taking action and empowering our children!



PS  The next post will revert back to chronological order of following my life while married for almost forty years to a practicing pedophile.  My heart felt compelled to share this BACA information with you today, though.  Let’s keep up the great work and share, share, share these resources!!!!

Thank you Jimmy Hinton for this valuable information!