Married to a Pedophile: The Climbing Ivy Exposed So Many Secrets!

Thank you for visiting this blog once again and for sharing it with so many others.  If you happen to be new here, I would strongly encourage you to start reading from the beginning of this blog on how to protect our children from practicing pedophiles.  The blog entries are short, but I can’t promise you that they are easy reading because they are not.  You will become uncomfortable.  You will begin to question others and their motives.  And, if you have been abused, hopefully there will be something you read that will help you to become empowered!

Let’s pick up where we left off the last time in this ongoing unraveling of my story about what it was like to be married to a man who molested children the entire time he and I were married.  If only I had known what “red flags” to look for I could have saved children from falling into the trap of this man who used his cunning, divisive ways to lure adults and children alike into his web of lies, deceit, and abuse.

John was now a full-time preacher and for the most part he was adored by his church members — both young and old alike.  He had a way of coddling the elderly into liking him immediately.  He was soft-spoken, respectful, and always helpful.  Let me add he was funny, too.  It seems he always had a great story to tell that would get even the crankiest old person smiling.

And, we know he was a hit with kids of all ages.  They clung to him — craving his attention.  He was the kind of preacher they wanted and loved. Continue reading