Married to a Pedophile: It’s Always about Control!

It’s been a while since I’ve written and I apologize for that.  I’ve been super busy and to tell you the truth writing the last post threw me into a mental fog for a good two weeks.  I suffered with nightmares, cold sweats, and went through several nights of not being able to sleep.  Remembering is not easy — not when you’re remembering painful events in your life.

If you’re new to this blog, please begin reading from the very beginning.  It’s so important for you to grasp just how devious and calculating the actions of pedophiles are.  As I recall more events in my life while married to a pedophile, I shake and tremble because I didn’t see life clearly.  Pain has a way of masking the truth Continue reading

Married to a Pedophile: Peaceful, Kind, Servant of God

The last blog I wrote created quite a stir among you as readers.  “How did you not see the red flags?”  “Why didn’t the church fire him?”  “Why didn’t the children he was abusing tell on him?” “Why did you put up with all of that?”  “Why?”  “Why?”  “Why?”

The answer to that question is because pedophiles are brilliant at masquerading who they really are.  They are two different people.  As John wrote to me in a letter from prison, “I’m sorry you had to find out about my dark side this way.”  He knew he was living as two different people, and the one I fell in love with was the one my heart most readily saw and accepted.  Continue reading