Married to a Pedophile: Why I Stayed in an Abusive Relationship

Today I’m going to veer off the highway just a bit and talk about something that has cropped up time and time again in my writings about being married to a pedophile.  There was never any physical abuse to me in this relationship, but there was a high level of emotional abuse.  And, the question has come up over and over again asking me why I stayed in this marriage.  In fact, the question is a nagging one to a lot of people as to why so many women stay in abusive relationships.

I don’t claim to have all of the answers, but I do have the answers that are mine, so I’ll speak to you from my heart.  Why?  Why did I stay in a relationship that I knew was abusive almost from our wedding day?    Women stay in abusive relationships for a number of reasons but the number one reason, I believe, is due to a contributing factor of extremely low self-esteem and a very high need to be shown any kind of love.  That’s it, really.  No self-worth and a need for love.

I know many people are still saying, “This is ridiculous.  When someone treats you wrong time after time after time, you should pack your bags and leave.”

Factor religion into this and it’s not such a simple equation any more.  If you remember, there is only one thing I wanted in life from my childhood on up and that was a Christian husband.  I believed with all of my heart that marrying a man who loved God would give me a beautiful life.  I pictured my mate and I loving and laughing together, serving God together, having children together, enjoying long strolls by the sea together, sharing our inner most feelings together, making love together, and living the rest of our lives together.  That one thought was in my mind and I lived and breathed by that thought.

When I realized that something was very wrong in our marriage, my immediate thought was that it must be my fault.  Me.  I’m the cause.  If only I could be nicer.  If only I was prettier.  If only I was smarter.  If only I kept the house cleaner.  If only I had everything in order and kept on top of all duties and responsibilities at home 24/7…..if only, if only, if only.  I can remember feeling so utterly and totally inadequate in every way.

I felt big and clumsy.  I felt ugly.  (If you remember I was told I was ugly by John on several occasions.)  I didn’t feel like I measured up to other women.  I came from a broken home and back in my day coming from a divorced home was considered sinful.  You were looked down upon.  I came from a very poor family.  Another blow to the self-esteem.  And, something that has always bothered me is the fact that I didn’t complete my four-year college education.  That, too, was a goal of mine and I gave up that goal so that John could complete his education.  It wasn’t possible financially for both of us to be in school at the same time.

So, with that being the foundation, I already felt beat down, less than what I should be, and almost daily I was being treated as such and being told as much.

Why did I stay?

1.  Fear.  Where would I go?  What would I do?  I had children, what would happen to them?  What about the church?  What would happen then?  Would I be labeled as an outcast?  What kind of work would I find to support myself?

Every time I even tried to think about leaving, it was too big.  I couldn’t go there in my mind.  I was convinced I needed John in order to survive.  Part of his brainwashing (abuse) was to remind me every day how much I needed him.  He reminded me constantly that I had no training in anything.  The only thing I’d ever do was to be a mother.

And, I believed him.

2.  A Need for Love.    Every person alive wants to be loved and has a need for love.  Just the idea of not being loved in a special way (even if it was an abusively special way) was frightening!  I convinced myself that on the good days this marriage was all worth while.  I had beautiful children.  I had a lovely home.  I had food on the table.  These were all things that I couldn’t have if I was  by myself.  Leaving was too much for me to think about.  Way too much.  It was far easier to go to bed crying than to wake up in the morning alone.  Besides, there was always the hope that tomorrow would be a better day.  Tomorrow the pain would go away.  Tomorrow would be easier.  Tomorrow I would change enough to make John happy.  That was my prayer for almost forty years.

3.  Transparency is Frightening.  There was a time in my life when I was the biggest cover-up ever when it came to my emotions.  I could be dying inside and on the outside I looked so happy!  I never shared my emotions or my pain with anyone.  Ever!  I was brought up being reminded almost daily that “you don’t air your dirty laundry in public.”  In other words, you keep your problems to yourself.  And, that I did!

Plus, I was the wife of a preacher who was absolutely loved and adored.  He was the light of his children’s lives.  He was loved by the church that he pastored.  He was loved and so well-known in the community.  I read Psalms 31 so much that I had the entire chapter memorized.  My goal was to become the virtuous woman described in that chapter.  And, leaving my marriage would be shameful,  and as far as I was concerned leaving would be undeniably unforgivable!

4.  Fear of my children hating me.  I knew without doubt that my kids would turn their backs on me if I ever left John.  Honestly, he was their hero.  And, he had such a way of interacting with them that they made it known who their favorite parent was.  I often thought how difficult it was being a mom and trying so hard not to love one child different than another.  But, the kids……hands down their dad was the man!  To be separated from your husband is one thing, but to lose the love of your children — there is no way I was going to risk that!  I would rather live miserable all the days of my life than to be abandoned by my children.

5.  Financial Fear.  John reminded me often that I could never earn more than minimum wage on any type of job.  I wanted to work to help support our family but he never would allow that (abuse, yes!).  And, the truth is he was a great provider. His condescending words let me know over and over again that I would be of no value in the working world.  Of course I believed him.

There are hundreds more reasons why women stay in abusive relationships, but I honestly believe they can always come down to the same two factors:  a low self-esteem and the fear of being alone.

Pedophiles study adults and children.  They prey on the emotionally weak.  Of course I was a perfect match for John with my low self-esteem.  He was quiet spoken and very persuasive.  I know this is strange to insert here, but I was so used to telling him every move I made, that if I got up to walk down the hall to go use the bathroom I would tell him.  Every time.  And, he would give that sneering smile, as if to say, “Okay.  And, you remember to tell me the next time, too.”

How does a woman get the courage to leave an abusive relationship?  We’ll talk about that the next time.  Please know that I understand there are women today reading this who are caught in a web of both physical and emotional abuse.  You feel totally isolated, worthless, and alone.  You’re afraid.  Inside you’re shaking and paralyzed by fear.  It is my prayer that over the course of the next few blog posts you’ll learn ways to gather your courage and make a run for it — literally!

Nobody deserves to be abused!  Never, ever is abuse right!  And, if you aren’t strong and can’t protect yourself, then you won’t be able to protect your innocent children, either.

Hang on.  There is help, and there is hope!  Please check back for more about how to break loose from the ties of abuse.

And, in the meantime, please keep your eyes and ears open for the red flags of child abuse.  Read back through these blog posts.  They are filled with signs to look for when trying to keep your children safe!

Together we are becoming empowered and we are breaking free of the grip of abuse.  Together we are becoming a loud voice for all of the abused.  It’s time to stop this horrible cycle and the first step is becoming educated.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for sharing and caring.

Abuse endLove,


PS  Thank you so much for sharing your comments and thoughts.  And, let me know if you’d like to be a guest blogger on the topic of breaking the chains of abuse.  Email me at .  Thanks so much!

30 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: Why I Stayed in an Abusive Relationship

  1. You are so spot on with this post!

    There is a great book written to Christian women about this topic that I’m telling everyone I can about. It is “The Emotionally Destructive Marriage” by Leslie Vernick. I can not say enough good things about this book.

    • Jen, You’ve just said a mouthful! Amen to that! Interestingly, John used to preach about abusive relationships and his teaching on this subject matter was there was no reason for leaving a relationship — even if the wife was being beaten. He didn’t even include sexual or mental abuse in his thinking. Sadly, a lot of religious people buy into that — there is absolutely no reason to leave a relationship except for adultery, and even then a lot of Christians frown upon that.

      The most painful thing I ever did was to make a decision that I would no longer live in an abusive relationship. Why? Because I feared what people would think! And, that is why so many stay in horribly abusive relationships!

      • I have stayed in a less-than-ideal relationship for several years both for financial reasons and because my father has cancer and it would break his heart if his only daughter was to get a divorce. “Divorce” is practically a dirty word in my family.

        • Jen, Sadly, I get what you’re saying. I was so fearful of being “judged” within the church (and by family and friends) that I stayed in my marriage until I was so broken in spirit that I didn’t know if I could go on. Thankfully, I had the strength to get out. And, yes, finances are a BIG issue with women. I know what it’s like to go without food and heat in the middle of the winter. It stinks, but it stinks worse to living in an abusive relationship. My thoughts are with you.

          • I have been blessed with a stubborness beyond compare. I intend to keep sticking up for myself and refuse to accept the abusive and manipulative behaviour.

          • Jen, I love your spirit of stubbornness! That’s a great quality to have when used properly!

          • Actually we are splitting up now. He decided he needed a girlfriend and to throw their relationship in my face.

  2. Hi Clara,

    You hit the nail on the head with why women stay with emotional abusers but I feel there is a 3rd reason. The church abosultely does not support women leaving their husbands for emotional abuse. In fact they discourage it. I stayed in an emotionally abusive marriage for 11 years. You can’t “see” emotional abuse and in my experience most abusers do their abusing in private so the outside world doesn’t see it. As you’ve mentioned several times, it feels like you’re going crazy and many people see the abused as the crazy one and the abuser as the one who is trying so hard. A Christian marriage counselor told me to leave my husband 5 years before I got the decided to do it and when I finally did I did not get the support of the church. That hurt. I don’t know what the solution is but the church needs to do a better job of listening to and supporting these women instead of the constant pressure to stay with them or go back to them and “work it out once” they’ve left. You can not work it out with someone who is as emotionally sick as an abuser.

    Thank you for sharing these things, I know it must be extremely hard but people need to hear what you have to say.

    • Hope,
      I hope to expand a lot more on what you’ve said in future blog posts. I think that Christian women really get hit from every possible direction at times because as you stated so perfectly — you cannot “see” emotional abuse. You can see a black eye. You can see a broken bone. But, the torment and anguish caused by that constant angry, belittling, controlling emotional abuse is often hidden so well that others cannot see even a “hint” of it and women are chastised severely for not staying in such a marriage. Thanks so much for bringing up this ever-so-important topic.

  3. Clara,

    You are so right on point with all the reasons for not leaving an abusive relationship; I relate to all of them. Great explanations; thank you!

  4. Ladies, don’t be so sure that your children will be devastated if you decide to leave. In my case, as in many other cases, I was relieved when my mom finally got up the courage to leave and take us with her and get us out of that nightmare. On the outside, we kids played our parts of the dutiful, loving children to our father because we feared the consequences otherwise. So, don’t be so sure that dad is their hero. They may not feel that way inside. I feared and hated my dad on the inside, and so did my brother. We were so glad to get away from him. He was emotionally abusive to all of us, and was at times even physically abusive to us. My mom got it much worse. He would drag her into the bedroom where we could hear the screaming and sometimes the beating. This didn’t happen all too often because he was not home much, thankfully. But if anyone of us, mom included, stood up for themselves, we got it, and got it bad. So we all learned how to play our parts and play them well.
    Ladies, talk to your kids if they are at all old enough to understand. You might be surprised. I am the oldest and I started making comments to my mom around age 10, letting her know I didn’t like something my dad was doing. Now, this is when I started verbalizing my feelings. I felt deep emotions about this situation from a very early age; as young as 3 years old. But a kid isn’t sure if they can say anything against a parent. I became bolder as I aged. By the age of 15 my mom got the courage to leave. When she told me her plans, it was the best news of my life. And this plan of hers involved moving out of state and me having to leave my high school and all my childhood friends behind, all of which I loved and cherished. That part was sad and hard to take, but overall I was happy to oblige if it meant we could get away from him.
    The transition wasn’t easy for any of us. And when I learned he was coming too, my heart sank. But mom assured me he wasn’t staying. He was only helping us move and paying the expenses. Of course, he tried desperately to worm his way back into my mom’s heart by doing that….it didn’t work. He went back to our home state a few months after we moved. He bounced back and forth a few times over a three year period, trying to win her back. It didn’t work. She was finally numb to him. She had no more tears, no more feelings; in short, she was done. And that is the state of mind you need to be in when you leave. And again, don’t be too surprised to find that your kids aren’t as upset as you think they may be.

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