Married to a Pedophile: We’re Off to Pennsylvania!

The last post I wrote about did me in.  It drained me.  So many of you that I know personally ask me the question, “How do you do it?  How do you keep it all together?”.  Well, the honest answer is sometimes I don’t.  Some weeks I go to work and work as long and as hard as I can to avoid alone time with my thoughts.  It’s too painful to go there.  This life that I’m now living — alone, and the father of my children in prison for the remainder of his days on this earth — is definitely not the life that I prayed about since I was a kid. It’s not the life I asked God to bless my children with — not even close to my prayers for them or for myself. And, yet the harsh reality of it all is that this is the life we now have.  It’s up to me to learn how to pick up the broken pieces and go on with some kind of grace and strength.  It’s up to me to try my best to keep it together for my kids and grandkids that I love with every ounce of my being.  It’s up to me to love myself enough to build some kind of a life that can serve as an example to others who also are going through the fires of hell on this earth — and I am convinced there are many who suffer through horrible pain every day of their lives.

That being said, thank you so much for continuing on in this journey with me.  What was it like?  What was it like living with a man who was a practicing pedophile for almost forty years?  How does it feel to know now what I didn’t know then? 

Truthfully, sometimes I feel like the biggest idiot on face of this earth.  I feel like I should have been so much smarter.  I could kick myself for keeping so quiet for so long about issues within the marriage that should have been addressed but never were.  And, then I stop and dig deeper into my thoughts and realize I kept quiet and tried to keep peace all in the name of trying my very, very best to be a Christian wife and mother.  I’m working hard to move beyond the fact that I didn’t know what was going on, and I’m trying my best to share with you just how sneaky and how controlling a true pedophile is to everyone so that you will be a thousand times more alert than I was!

Let’s pick up where we left off the last time .  John was called in by the elders and fired.  One of the characteristic traits that I loved about John was his ability to remain calm.  I grew up in an animated Italian family.  We were never quiet even when we were trying to be quiet!  By nature, I’m a person who talks (constantly) and who gets very into what I’m talking about.  John, on the other hand, remained calm no matter what — a nice balance, I thought.

When he came to me with the news he was fired, I was flipping out.  John, on the other hand, remained calm and said, “No problem.  We’ll just get a job in the Northeast — closer to home — God’s country.”  And, after just a few phone calls John was hired as a full-time preacher for a small country church in the mountains of Pennsylvania.  John knew of some of the members there, and he worked his magic to get two friends from his home church to vouch that he was a really great person, and before I knew it we were Pennsylvania bound!

We moved bag and baggage on October 1, 1972.  I was six months pregnant with baby number two at the time, so I didn’t know how I could drive across the country in our car while John drove the moving van.  So, being the nonchalant kind of guy that he was, he came up with a brilliant idea!  He rented a moving van that was the largest size they had and picture this — he drove the van up to our rented apartment, built a platform of plywood and drove our little car right into the back of the moving van!!!  Mission accomplished!  He was my hero!


One little problem — where in the world were we going to get the money to pay for this move?  We had no money saved and the church cut off our pay immediately.  Once again, no sweat.  John took care of everything.  He called his parents, he called people he knew, and he demanded that the church in Pennsylvania pay for one half of the moving cost.  Guess what?  No questions asked.  Every person did what he wanted!  When I tell you this man had no shame in asking, I’m not exaggerating!  I was dying inside — embarrassed to say he was fired and we were broke.  Not John.  He had no trouble telling people that giving us moving money was the Christian thing to do!

NotePedophiles are liars and manipulators on every level.  Playing people as puppets delights them.  They are masters of deception and they know how to take total control.  John was already a pro!  And, the best part for him — not one person flinched when asked to contribute.  He seemed to know just who to ask and how to ask.  And, he was great at making a person feel guilty if they dared to say no.

I was petrified of this move.  John, on the other hand was downright giddy.  He was fearless.  He already knew the area, and he obviously knew he was going to feel comfortable sliding right into the position of full-time preacher — something he promised me he’d never do! Never in a million years did I want to be a preacher’s wife!

I hesitate to use real names here, so I will not for the sake of privacy.  But, an incident occurred the first night we arrived in Somerset that was very odd and still stands out in my mind as being so bizarre.

When we arrived in Somerset, the church parsonage where we were to live wasn’t quite ready for us.  The people there had done some painting and repairs and they needed one more night to complete their work.  So, a couple from that congregation invited us to stay at their home with them.  I was just about dying.  I was shy and didn’t want to stay with anyone on our first night there but John graciously accepted the invitation.  So, off we went to stay with this couple who had one son around four years of age.

When we got to their tiny home, I was taken back by John’s behavior.  He was on all fours crawling around with this boy, wrestling with him, tickling him, and calling him his best buddy!  Keep in mind, we had never met before in our entire lives.  Then, something happened that blows my mind!

It was bath time for this little boy, and he didn’t want to leave John.  His parents were so enthralled with how quickly their “shy” son warmed up to John that when John offered to give him a bubble bath, they gladly obliged!!!

Are you getting the full impact of this?????  We just met this family, and within the timeframe of just two hours John was bathing a little child he had never seen before in his life with the blessing of this child’s parents!

There is something very strange about this — it felt so “off” at the time it happened, and it feels even more crazy to say it now.  It’s hard to believe.  It’s really hard for me to go back in my thoughts.  But, it happened!  John gave this boy a bubble bath ALONE in the bathroom and he just met this child!

bubble bathIt was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!  But, it was done right in front of this child’s parents and in front of John’s wife (me).  And, no….our daughter did NOT get a bath that night.  John was too involved bathing another child!

BEWARE This is not normal behavior!  Don’t get sucked up into thinking it’s all okay because it’s not!  Don’t ever allow your naked child to go into a room alone with a stranger!  Even if the stranger is a preacher, don’t allow it! Do you see the way John took control of this situation immediately?  He had those parents eating out of his hands.  And, this child — I shudder to think of what happened as John ran the washcloth over him and took his hands to wash him and dry him as they were alone in the bathroom.  I’m shaking as I’m repeating this incident because scenes like this happened over and over in the course of our years together and nobody batted an eye!  Why?  John was trusted.  He seemed kind and caring, and he always said he wanted to help!  He especially loved giving parents a break from the hard work of parenting.  And, parents loved him for it!  What a way to work his way right into the role of molesting!

Think about this scene.  Replay it over and over in your mind until it really sinks in.  Do I think John did inappropriate things to that little boy that evening?  I’d bet my life on it!  I know that he did!  How do I know?  Read some of the suggested writings on the resources page of this site and come to your own conclusion.  This is what pedophiles do!  They thrive on this type of behavior!!!

It’s time to smarten up!  Pedophiles have made fools of us!  We’ve given them free rein for years.  Children have been used and abused right in front of us!  And, most often with our innocent, naive blessings!

Pedophiles are conniving, manipulating, deceitful liars who work hard to harm our children.  It’s time for us to open our eyes wide and stop this horrendous cycle of abuse!!!

Thank you so  much for reading and for promising yourself that you will be part of the solution to these vile acts against our children.  Next week, we will discuss our first weeks with our new church family.  I shudder as I think back………

Pray for the children.  Pray for all of us who want this emotional and physical abuse to stop!  Together we can and we must do it!  For the sake of all children, we must do it!  No precious child should ever be violated by an anyone — ever! Please help get this information out to all parents.  Please let’s stop pedophiles in their tracks before they can do any harm to our innocent children!

My love to each of you,



31 thoughts on “Married to a Pedophile: We’re Off to Pennsylvania!

    • Jen, It is very hard to move away. Very, very hard! In my case, I did not move away. I think things would be different, though, if John wasn’t in prison for the remainder of his years on this earth.

      Sometimes a brand new, fresh beginning is a new lease on life!!!! I’ve found that even while I’m away visiting I can strike up a conversation with people, and I’m certain that I could make friends if I had to move away. Would I miss my old friends? Of course! But, they could always come visit me! 😉 What I’m trying to say is sometimes it’s necessary to take a BIG step forward in faith in order to make our lives better and to give us a fresh start. My prayers are with you!

  1. Wow. I have felt so alone through this and now I find out I am not the only one at all. I was (am still legally, getting to the point I can afford the divorce) married to a child molester for almost fifteen years. His victim of choice was my oldest daughter, seven when it started, twenty when she ended it. My youngest daughter, his and my daughter, has since told me he raped her twice. And they can’t even press charges, because she denied it at first. I am wondering about something, because I am still trying to understand. Are they really that cold? Did he actually just see me as a doorway to my child? Did he actually plan all this? He claims (in court testimony) that he had a “close personal relationship” with my daughter (I was a widow with young children) and “just took it to the next level”. Was there never any feeling for me at all? It isn’t that I want him back or even that I can stomach the idea of being in the same room as him. It is just that I feel so foolish to think that, as a young man, he was able to so coldly look me up and down and think “wow, I want her little daughter as a sex toy”. Some of what you say rings true with me. I was always “in the way”. He “needed his space”. I was “too clingy”. (I am not a clingy person, actually.) But was there nothing at all? Part of me still wants to say that it isn’t possible. That surely at some point he felt something. But he didn’t, did he? I mean he started in on my child before we were engaged, before we were married. I really was “just in the way” wasn’t I/

    If I could turn back the clock, things would be different. But I can’t and i am left with broken children and a broken life and some days, I am so overwhelmed I cannot stand it. But I get up, do my job, pay the bills, keep going. And I wonder if there will ever be a life for me, ever again.

    • You’ve brought up so many issues that I’m not sure where to begin. “Did he really plan all this? Can he really be that cold?” The answer is yes. Yes, he planned this. There was obviously a lot of thought put into how, when, and where to molest your daughters. And, “cold” — by all means, “yes.” I’m not sure if a man who molests a child has the ability to think and reason the actions that he took are not acceptable. In my case, my ex has said that he doesn’t see that what he did is all that bad. Really? But, the truth is I’m not sure he’ll ever get it, and I’m not sure your husband will get it either. Sad, but true.

      I do believe your husband had feelings for you just as mine did for me, but they also had “motives” for other self-serving things. To take a child, manipulate and molest and cause irreparable damage, is not just cold, it’s cruel.

      What is being done with your husband? You said you can’t follow through in the legal system…….have you warned others about him? If not, I believe you have a responsibility to do so. I know it’s not easy — and you risk being shunned by family members and others (these men have a charming way about them and get others to believe in them so easily!), but…….if he did it to two of your daughters, he’ll take another child and do it again. Believe me, he’ll find a way. Please do all you can to make sure this mand doesn’t do this to another child!

      I feel your pain. I really do. I’m so glad you’re not staying in this situation, and I pray that your daughters are forever safe from this man. I hope you all get some kind of emotional support and help. This is not something that just goes away. It is a pain that lasts forever and we have to find tools to learn how to work through the pain.

      And, yes, there is life beyond this. As devastating as it now is, there will be a day when you and your children will experience joy.

      Thank you so much for your comments. I know this took a lot of courage!

    • D Anne your letter broke my heart as much as any thing Clara has written. It broke my heart because your family deserves so much better. The man God ordered to protect you is the very man you needed protecting from. I don’t want to give some friend of Job trite answer except to say that I wish I could fix it for you,

    • D Anne,
      I wish it was easy to explain how the mind of a pedophile works. I guess really it’s not that complicated to grasp what they think about. They lust over young children. They choose a child and go after that child — most often there is more than one child. In the case of my husband, he “admitted” to 23, but in my heart I know there were many, many more throughout the course of the years.

      There are two very hard parts for me to totally grasp. 1) The fact that the man I was married to was raping children while he was married to me. That is something that I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully visit in my mind. I know it’s true. I sat in court and heart testimony. I’ve even spoken to some of the survivors of his abuse. All the while he did this he was preaching, teaching bible studies, baptizing people, visiting the sick, and being a great father.

      Talk about enough to mess up your mind!

      2) I used to ask myself the same question you’re asking. “Did he ever really love me?” In my case, I think there were moments of “love” — but not the kind of love that is pure, and selfless, and genuine, and caring. How could there be? And, that is heartbreaking to think that I’ve never been loved that way. I often feel dirty and used and so stained. Does that make any sense?

      We, the wives of the pedophiles, are victims, too. And, we have our own set of trauma to work through.

      I’m so very, very sorry that you’re in this situation. I’m so very sorry for your daughter. I would call that a living hell. My prayers are with you and your family. When you get totally away from this man, you will begin to see more clearly, and you will begin to heal. My special love to you.

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