Married to a Pedohile: Studying the Bible with a Pedophile

Thanks so much once again for continuing to read, digest this information, share, and comment.  I truly believe that our voices are being heard and will ultimately make a difference.

Last week we took a side-step from the progressing story of the red flags that I should have seen during my almost forty years of being married to a pedophile.  The subject of manipulation and spousal abuse is a bigger one than I imagined and deserves its own special attention.  After reading so many of your comments, I am beginning to understand the magnitude of not just pedophilia, but of abuse in general.  It literally breaks my heart. I’m beginning to understand more and more the emotional turmoil of so many people in bad relationships.  This kind of pain – emotional and physical abuse – leaves scars that run deep.  Clear to the soul!

Let’s continue today with the story of my life living with a pedophile.  Sometimes the weeks went along uneventfully and there wasn’t much that seemed out of the ordinary.  Other times there were things that stuck out and caused so many questions – questions that never really had good answers.

One such question to John was this:  “Why you are driving over one hour to pick up two mentally disabled girls to have a Bible study with them?  They don’t understand much of anything you’re saying, and you know that!” 


Now before anyone gets upset with me for saying that, let me explain what John was doing.  Every Wednesday night and every Sunday night John was driving to a small rural community a half hour one way away from the church parsonage where we lived to pick up two mentally disabled sisters to bring them to church.  He always picked them up and drove them home.  Plus, he was having a mid-week bible study with them one afternoon each week.


At first glance, this looks like something any devoted man of God would and should do.  But, here’s the problem.  These sisters had the mental aptitude of about a child of seven years old.  Along with that, they lived way out in the middle of nowhere.  Add to that the fact that one of our members lived very close to where these girls lived and could easily have swung by their parent’s place to pick them up for church.  BUT, John insisted that he was the one to pick them up and deliver them back home, plus he set up mid-week bible studies with them in his downstairs office — his locked chamber

This caused many upsets between the two of us!  Number one, I had no idea how he even met these girls.  Number two, it was a huge inconvenience for him to go get them and take them home.  It was right at our dinner time on Wednesdays and Sundays and it made no sense whatsoever to me why he absolutely would not ask the family that passed by the home of these girls to take them to and from church!

house in the woods

I didn’t at all understand it then, but it sure does make a lot of sense now.  What a thrill it must have been for John to be alone with these girls!  They had minds of very young girls and communicated very little.  In fact, I’m not even sure if one of the girls could speak.  He drove to and from church alone with them, plus he set up individual bible studies with them.

How perfect – all in the name of being a good Christian preacher!  These girls couldn’t read.  They had no clue what they were doing.  Yet, John insisted on bringing them to and from church and HE had to be the one to do it!  Do you see the picture?  Can you imagine a bit of what the bible study must have been like in the “secret chamber”?

Some of you may think this is far-fetched, but I’m thoroughly convinced that John used this time alone with these girls to fondle and molest them. 

Children are easily manipulated by adults, there is no doubt about that. Children are not miniature adults. They have not developed reasoning skills yet. They are no match for a sexual predator so don’t give a child hope that they have been fully trained in warding off a person intent on harming them.The best defense against a sexual predator is to never leave your child alone”

 Please read that line again! 

“The best defense against a sexual predator is to never leave your child alone!”  Wiser words have never been spoken!

Think!  Think hard!  Think long!  Think of what a pedophile does!  This continued on for the better part of a year, then one evening when John came home he was visibly upset and he said, “I’m not doing that anymore!  I can spend my time in better ways than this!  I’m not going to get those girls for church again.”

And, he didn’t.

I often wondered what happened, and please don’t judge me for this, but in all honesty I was glad that they were no longer coming to church.  I hated it when John left to pick them up and bring them home.  I was struggling with two little ones and it would have been so nice to have him home to help me – even for a little bit. Was I being selfish in my thinking?  I don’t think so!  At least not now I don’t think so.  It’s a husband’s and father’s responsibility to help at home — first and foremost!

A pedophile involved in church work has a very unique situation. Even as I’m writing this, I feel like such a jerk for even hinting that these girls didn’t need to come to church and study the bible.  Everyone needs that!  But, the problem was that John was very “obsessed” with these girls.  He didn’t spend that much time with anyone else studying the bible.  He had no other bible studies even going at the time.  And, truthfully, wouldn’t it have been better if a woman had been involved with the bible studies? 

Think about this scene long and hard.  Does it leave a big question mark in your mind?  It sure does with me!  It was questionable many, many years ago, and it’s far more questionable to me now!

Many times John boasted about how he’d never allow himself to be in a compromising position with a woman – alone in his office doing counseling or bible studies.  Yet, here he was spending hours of alone time each week with two mentally challenged girls!  It didn’t make sense!

You and I both know that I can’t prove what John was doing in those bible studies and on the many, many car rides alone with those girls. But, I can tell you this.  Pedophiles target mentally challenged children.  Why?  Because they won’t tell and if they do tell, nobody will believe them!      

Let me repeat this:  Pedophiles target mentally challenged children because they won’t tell and if they do try to tell nobody will believe them! Anna Salter talks about this at length in her books, and you can also find this information in “Not With My Child.”

I believe with all of my being that John was using this time to molest these girls.  And, when something happened (and I don’t know what that something was), he immediately stopped seeing them!

In the eyes of the church, he was a wonderful preacher.  He was not only conducting two bible studies each week, but he was making sure these girls had a way to and from church.  Girls that nobody else paid much attention to – except John.  He was a hero, of sorts!  The most kind, caring, sacrificial man that they ever met!

I feel sick in my stomach right now.  A very physical kind of sick.  I can still see those two girls.  I remember what they looked like.  I remember how they held their heads down and wouldn’t look up when I tried to talk to them.  I remembered how they would cower on the back pew in church.  I remember them looking so sad.  I remember their faces and I feel so horrible inside.

Who molests children?  I know for a fact that preachers do!  I was married to a man who looked so charming, so innocent, so kind on the outside, but who was committing the vilest of acts in secret.

Please be alert!  Pay attention to what is going on around you!  If someone takes a special interest in your child for no real reason, please pay close attention!  Is there someone who wants alone time with your child?  Do you have a child that someone has taken a very special interest in helping in an alone situation?    Do you allow your child alone in the car with an adult who has taken a special interest in your child?  Know where your children are at all times and know who they are with at all times!!!

When I questioned John about his bible studies, he made me feel so guilty – like I didn’t want these girls to learn about God.  I still feel horrible even writing about this for fear of someone misinterpreting what I’m saying and judging me!  This is the kind of mind-manipulation pedophiles are counting on!  These are the things they spend hundreds of hours planning!  And, this was a perfect plan:  the preacher teaching the bible to two girls who nobody ever gave special attention!

Pedophiles are smart.  They work long, hard hours targeting, grooming, planning, and eventually acting.  Please be vigilant at all times!  Don’t just ask questions and then do nothing (like I did).  I should have insisted that I ride along in the car and that I be present for the bible studies.  Instead, I backed down, as I always did.  I allowed John to back me into a place where I felt guilty for even bringing up such a question.  I listened to people applaud him for his good works, and like a good, obedient wife, I stood by his side.

Learn from my mistakes.  Look for those red flags and do something about them!  For the sake of every child alive, please don’t keep quiet – ever!  Speak up, speak out, and do something.  Let’s make it so hard for pedophiles to reach our children that they finally give up! 

stop child abuse

Together we can do it!  Together we must do it!  Let’s keep educating one another and keep our children safe!

Thank you for reading along.  I know this isn’t easy.  This is hard, difficult, uncomfortable, but true!  Thank you for helping be a voice that keeps our children safe!



18 thoughts on “Married to a Pedohile: Studying the Bible with a Pedophile

  1. Thank you for writing your story – I can only imagine how painful it must be – but your words have so much we need to learn. May God draw straight paths with crooked lines. I just wanted to say, about your guilt over saying those girls would have been better off not attending church … Years ago I was a bible camp program director and part of my job was to get the disadvantaged youth that came to our camps placed in churches in their area when they went home. One church I tried to place a girl in and was unsuccessful. Fast forward 5 years and I find out that the youth pastor at the time was molesting one of the youth there (with his wife and mother of his babies running the nursery program), I was so, so sick to my stomach, and so thankful to God He had spared that girl at least the disappointment and danger of being in a place that should have been safe for her. I had met this youth (mis)leader, had shook his hand and trusted him. And I heard comments from acquaintances who knew of his misdeeds at the time and said and did nothing. So incredibly awful. So please don’t feel guilty – it would have been better for them never to have been there. May The Lord heal you and your family.

  2. If I were you I would have gone to the parents and asked what happened,spoken my suspicions , I hope he was caught or shopped. these perverts are choking the world.

    • Her husband used a form of control similar to Stockholm Syndrome. Clara didn’t ask because mentally she couldn’t do it.

    • Her husband is serving a 30-60 year sentence now for his many crimes. If you follow the blog, this will become clear.

      Let’s pray for healing for these innocent ones whom Jesus loves so much.

  3. Clara,
    The fortitude and honesty you portray in these pages are beyond measure. You and your children carry a burden that many would rather die than speak of. To use this burden to educate others….well, God Bless you! In my best attempt at trying to understand the perpetrators of these vile acts I can only surmise that they do not have (to name but one malady) the emotional or intellectual capacity required for empathy. My apologies for telling you something you already know. My wife and I have been married for 23 years and have 3 boys and 3 girls. Ages 32 to 13. My wife had a son and daughter when we met. Before we married we shared what was important to us when raising a family. Besides a close connection to God and nurturing we were firm in that our children would never be cared for by anyone but the two of us. I would be remiss by not adding that reading your words and common sense dictate that there are so many other ways our children can become victims. In our society today we all must be alert and vigilant to the dangers the innocent/helpless ones face. My apologies for taking up space on your wonderful blog with my rhetoric. I only do so because our family is facing a situation that has yet to fully surface to all the victims. As you know, when I say ‘all the victims’, it is not just the helpless that are left in the wake of these perpetrators. Thank you for letting me vent and thank you again for letting all who read this know that they are not alone! You and your family are in my prayers.

    • Greg, I appreciate every word that is written, and I especially appreciate what you’ve said. You are so right — there are so many ways our children can become victims. We have to be ten steps ahead of the controling, manipulative ones. They’re cunning, and so smart! And, they really do know exactly what they are doing — they think and plan ahead continuously — all with self-gratification on their minds!!! Abuse comes in so many forms!!!

  4. I have spent multiple hours reading your stories. Thank you for being courageous. You are speaking the truth. I wish everyone would listen.y biological Dad was a predator and molester. My radar is excellent becaused of my experiences. A few years ago we moved to a new state and picked a new Boy Scout troup. The most popular assistant scout master

    had been molesting boys
    for over 26 years. Before he was caught I privately shared my concerns and that started the minute I met him. No one would believe me something was wrong until he got caught. It can happen to any one. Continue to share your story and may you and your children find healing.

    • Jill, Thanks so very much for your comment! I’m so sorry that people are so hesitant to believe others when they go seeking help — saying they know a person should be watched — there are suspicions he is a molester. I long for the day when people take action rather than turn their heads and go on about their normal business of the day while innocent children are being moled.

      Thank you for caring and for doing all you can to prevent this type of abuse!!!

  5. “Never leave your child alone”
    Do you know how many times I’ve been called overprotective? I refused to leave my daughter upstairs in the Bible quiz room with the male teacher until the female teacher was there. I don’t allow my children to be alone with adult men ever. EVER. My oldest is 15 now. My own parents think I’m utterly ridiculous b/c we don’t let her go out and about alone like other people do.

    I don’t care. I really really don’t. I don’t want to have to look my babies in the eye and say “I let everyone talk me out of protecting you. I let peer pressure keep me from doing what I thought was best.”

    My kids under age 13 are literally never anywhere without my husband or myself. My 13 and 15 yr old are allowed to go a *very few* places alone together, if that makes sense. For example, they can go to my pastor’s house for his daughter’s birthday party. Together, and the pastor’s wife has to be there, of course. My oldest babysits next door, but leaves immediately if the parents come home. etc.

    We are not fearful, as most assume. I do not live in fear. We are PROTECTIVE and CAUTIOUS, not fearful. 🙂

    Don’t let people pressure you into doing what you know in your heart is right, all in the name of not being ‘too protective’.

    • All I can say is “thanks.” I needed to hear this. Your encouragement came at the perfect time. 🙂

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