Snow: The Beauty and Fun of It All!

Without hesitation, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a snow kind of girl.  I’ve had to acquire a taste, so-to-speak, for the snow throughout my years living in the Laurel Mountains in Pennsylvania.  Oh, how well I remember moving here from Oklahoma City many years ago on October 1 to find the ground covered in snow.  Little did I know that we wouldn’t see a peek of the bare ground until April of the following year!  This place is a far cry from where I grew up in New Jersey along the shore!

Well, if you can’t beat it, then you learn to live with it!  And, living for years with a house full of excited, energetic kids who just so happened to love the snow, the white stuff kind of grew on me. 

Every snowflake is unique.  And, when the earth is covered with pure white, there is a sense of calm beauty unlike anything I know.  Pictures say it far better than I could ever describe. Let’s enjoy the beauty and fun of the snow together! 

This is the view I get to see on my drive into work every day during the winter.  Beautiful!

Yep, another scene on my way into work.  Am I lucky, or what?  These horses are gorgeous!

Have you figured it out by now that I drive to work on a country road? 

Snow dunes!  You haven’t lived until you’ve explored these mountains of snow!

What a reminder of God and all of His majesty! Take. My. Breath. Away! 

Makes you think of “Little House on the Prarie” days, doesn’t it?  Are you beginning to love the snow?  I’m ready to put on the old boots and go for a hike!

Welcome to my home!  When I look out my kitchen window, this is what I see.  Am I blessed, or what?  God sure knows how to give good gifts!!!

And, if you’re not into skiing or snowboarding or hiking, you can always take a carriage ride through the snow! 

Me?  Well, I’ll just soak away my aches and pains hot tubbing outside on the ski slopes! 

Enjoy the snow!  The seasons are God’s gift to us, and I just happen to be blessed enough to live where the winter season gives us snow — and lots of it!