Life Lessons: What I Learned While in Haiti!

They say “experience” is the best teacher, and that statement held true to the cause while on the mission trip with “Team Blanc” in Haiti just a couple of weeks ago.  Sure, I could read about these things in a book, but to actually see, touch, feel, and live among the people in Haiti and get to experience these life lessons — WOW!!!  Thanks for allowing me share a few of these simple truths — my “life lessons” — with you!

Life lesson 1:  You don’t need a clothes dryer to dry clothes.  The sun does a wonderful job, and it even gives you “sun bleached, fresh smelling clothes”!  Note to self: Quit the griping and complaining when the dryer doesn’t work for a day.  God gave us the sun and it works way better than a clothes dryer! Besides that, the sun never breaks down.

Life lesson 2:  Beauty can be found everywhere — even among the most difficult times of poverty, depression, sickness, or anguish.  God has not forgotten us and gives us beauty to enjoy at all times.  We simply have to look around us.  Note to self:  Stop thinking God has forgotten me.  He hasn’t!  All I have to do is look outside to view His glorious creation and be reminded that if He cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, He tenderly cares for me, too!

Life lesson 3:  Fancy cookware and a top-notch state-of-the-art kitchens are not requirements for preparing delicious, nutritious food.  Cooking over an open fire in a big iron kettle will get the job done marvelously! (I wish you could have seen how this pasta was cooked!  It was amazing!!!   Note to self:  Stop feeling sorry for yourself that your kitchen and cooking utensils are old.  Instead, use what you have and be thankful!!!

Life lesson 4:  Kids will be kids under any circumstances.  They know how to enjoy the simple things in life. (This little boy sliding down the railing at Tabitha’s orphanage reminded me of my kids sliding down the banister at home hundreds of times squealing with laughter as they had “races.”)  Note to self:  Kids don’t need hundred dollar toys and a room called a “play room” to make them happy.  They just need an opportunity to be a kid!  Every child is born with a super creative mind!  A little bit of encouragement to use their minds goes a long way!

Life lesson 5:  Not all kids own a $200 pair of hiking boots, but they still manage to climb mountains and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.  Note to self:  Quit stalling when it comes to getting outside and enjoying nature!  Tennis shoes or flip flops from Walmart will take me where I need to go in order to exercise and take in the beauty of nature that surrounds me each day.  I don’t need to wait until I save up for that expensive pair of walking shoes!  Feet work just fine!

Life lesson 6:  Fancy conference rooms, a PhD in Psychology, and the most current forms of advanced technology are not needed for heart-to-heart conversations about life, faith and God.  A simple sit-down in nature with a friend and time spent in prayer and God’s word are calming to the soul.  Note to self:  Focus on reading more of the Bible, spending time with Christian friends, and spending quiet time in nature because these are the things that will give me life-sustaining nourishment right at the moment when I need it!

Life lesson 7:  There are flowers that are survivors and can thrive, bloom, and give beauty under any condition because God made them that way.  Note to self:  Stop thinking that circumstances have to be better in order for my life to be filled with joy.  Remember that I can bloom and thrive anywhere and at any time because God made me that way!

Life lesson 8:  Laughter is a universal language and can be understood and appreciated by everyone! (This lady lives in one of the aziles we visited, and she was overcome with joy as she enjoyed the food, the sanitation pack and the hugs that we gave her! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger smile!)   Note to self:  Laugh more!  Smile more!  Relax more! There are tremendous blessings of joy given to us in each and every day — no matter what our circumstances.  Remember to share a smile with someone every day!

Life lesson 9:  No matter what your financial situation in life you can keep yourself neat, clean, and find a way to share something with others.  (This man is part of Tabitha’s orphanage and used a machete to cut and prepare coconuts for us, the visitors.  Look how neatly he’s dressed!  He sure puts many of us to shame!)  Note to self:  Take care of what you have, and stop wishing for more.  Always, always find something to share with others!!!  And, share with a joyful, giving heart!  “A cup of cold water given in His name to the least of these will not be forgotten.” Matt. 10:42

Life lesson 10:  This is one beautiful world in which we live!!  This beauty was made for us to enjoy, to take care of, and to be used as a blessing!  (This was a daily scene in Haiti, and one that gave great peace and a sense of belonging to God.)  Note to self:  Never, ever become too busy to enjoy the gifts found in nature.  God created this world for us to enjoy, and when walking among nature we can really connect with God through our meditation and prayer. 

I could go on and on with the life lessons learned while in Haiti.  I took well over a thousand photos and there is a lesson and story to go with each one!  (Don’t worry!  I’m only sharing ten for now — not a thousand!) 

One of the most important life lessons of all I learned was this:  You don’t have to travel to a foreign land to learn life lessons or to enjoy close communion with God and others.  We have opportunities for this right where we are every single day of our lives.  That being said, sometimes people need reminders and encouragement and they need our help in pointing out the beauty in the not-so-beautiful parts of life.  And, that’s why seven very ordinary people prayed so fervently to make this mission trip possible — to be messengers of hope to those who sometimes feel forgotten and lost in a world of poverty and darkness. 

Let’s be a light that shines for others! And, quit worrying if you’re a bright light!  Any light is a bright light to the one living in darkness!  When we share God’s love, we’ve shared the most meaningful light of all —  an eternal light of hope! 

Love to all,

Packing for the Unknown — What’s It Like?

Well, it’s down to the nitty-gritty.  Only four more days until departure time!  The suitcase is laying out on my bedroom floor waiting to be packed.  And, as I looked at it this morning before leaving for work, my heart skipped a few beats — some beats were for happiness and joy, other beats were a bit of “I’m going to miss my kids and my daily phone call from my little granddaughter, Sophie”, and other skipped beats were a bit of true-blue, honest-to-goodness anxiety over facing the unknown.

Some of you might say, “Well, I thought you went there last year?  You’re no longer a novice to Haiti or to the routine of living a week of your life in a foreign mission field.”  True and true, but not-so-true.  This ole granny is a bit afraid, if I’m being totally honest.  I’m afraid of how the flight will be.  Will we all enter and leave the country safely?  I’m a bit fearful of the mosquitoes and stomach bugs that attacked so many on our trip last year.  I’m afraid of not knowing what each day will bring.  There’s no such thing as a set agenda when in Haiti.  Time is not important to the Haitians. Okay, I’m afraid of the mice, lizards, and rats, too. 

“So, if you’re that afraid, then why are you going?” some might ask.  The children.  I’m going because of the children.  I’m going because it will be such a joy to provide a ray of hope to someone in despair.  I’m going because my heart is happy when I can give of myself.  I’m going because I want to share God, hope, and love with all people, including those who are our neighbors in Haiti.  I’m going because it will be so good to give families in dire need of food some beans and rice to help sustain them.  I’m going because I don’t want to miss the opportunity of seeing some of my own children serving others. I don’t think a parent can experience any greater joy!  I’m going because it is my responsibility to joyfully help care for those who are in need of physical, spiritual, and emotional nourishment. 

And, I thank YOU who gave so generously to see to it that I can go! 

Please stroll through memory lane in Haiti with me.  And, pray that all of my anxious fears will subside so that I can be all that I should be, and all that I want to be while living among these beautiful children of God!

The mountains declare the handiwork of God!  You can feel His presence, and see His beautiful creation! Even in what we would call a desperate situation, the power of God lives and dwells among the people!

This will be “my home” for the next week.  I will have the awesome privilege of living with the children of the Cap-Haitian Children’s Home!  What a joy and blessing! 

And, I will get lots and lots of smiles and hugs.  There will be countless, humbling “God moments” where I will be reminded of those things that are truly important and meaningful in this earthly life. 

Sun-bleached clothes — and they smell so fresh and clean!  This reminds me so much of my days as a kid growing up on the farm! 

Bible story sharing time is always a highlight with the kids!  They are so eager to listen and learn!!!

Sunday worship is hours and hours long — in the sweltering heat, swatting at flies.  And most people, old and young, have walked miles to get to their house of worship.  They don’t have clocks, nor do their stomachs tell them it’s time for lunch as most will not have any lunch or any dinner.  Worship is far more important to them than food.  Oh, that my heart can grow to know God so deeply and intimately!

Everywhere we visited, we were offered gifts of love.  In fact, they “insisted” that we take a gift and they would not take any money in return.  These gifts were made to say, “We love you, and thank you for coming to see us.  Thank you for the prayers.  Thank you for the love you have shared.”  I brought a necklace home with me and I wear it almost every day to remind me of this lesson of love — “It is more blessed to give than receive.”  Thank you my dear Haitian friends for teaching me so much!

 I cannot wait to make home visits!  Precious is the love of the Haitians as they invite us into their “room”, and ask for only one thing:  prayers.  To hold hands and pray together — let’s just say that you must experience it in order to understand it.  God lives within us and His love flows from heart-to-heart.

The sky, the water, the mountains — such beauty!  God never leaves us with only despair.  He provides hope in the midst of our brokenness.  Always.  God is love.  God is hope.  God is present! 

To the world, I may be only one, but to a child, I may be his world.  And, this is why I go.  And, this is why I thank you from the very depths of my heart for sending me.

Please pray for our team.  Pray that God will lead us to those who need to see, hear, and feel His love.  Pray that we will remain strong and healthy so that we can serve all the days we are in Haiti.  Pray that above all else, we will not just leave physical food and some daily relief from the burdens of life, but that we will plant seeds of hope eternal!
