Help! I Just Want to Hide!

Did you ever have a day when your heart hurts so bad that you just want to hide from everybody and everything? Life can pile up and pile up and sometimes the pain gets so bad that we think we going to break in two if we don’t get some kind of comfort. And, right when we think we’ve reached our breaking point, we get another blast to the heart again!

Being a mom of 11 kids, I’ve had days when I’ve wanted to literally run away……you know those kinds of days when everything you say, do, and think is wrong, and bad goes to worse, and you can’t take any more. I can’t really tell you that there is a set of rules to follow that will make it all go away, but I can tell you that it helps to stop doing whatever you’re doing, and sit still. Yep! You heard me. Just be still. Take some long, deep breaths, and just “get through” the day, the hour, the night, the minute, the emergency….whatever it is that has your heart and stomach tied in a knot.

Then, find a place where you can scream, kick, yell, holler, bawl, punch…… release some of that pain. If you don’t, you’ll eventually fall into a heap on the floor and cave. And, nobody wants that! After you’ve done your ranting, try to think “logically”! HA! That’s a tough one — especially when in the middle of a near breakdown crises. But, we have to do it. If we can’t think logically alone, then get some help. A friend. A doctor. A pastor. A relative. Just find somebody who will listen and give some good, sound advice.

And, then………….do what I’ve done probably a million times in my life. GO LOCK YOURSELF IN THE BATHROOM AND TAKE A SOOTHING, BUBBLE BATH!!!!! I’m not making light of heavy situations, but in all honesty, it really does help to soak away your troubles for an hour. I used to lock the bathroom door, put on ear muffs to drown out the sound of the screaming kids, and fill bubbles in the tub til they overflowed. Sometimes, I lit a candle; most times I sipped a (tall) glass of wine while soaking in the tub. 🙂

My troubles weren’t taken away by bubbles, BUT I did find “a healing place” to rest and withdraw from the craziness of life for a while. We all need that healing place — that place to call “our own” where we can rest for a bit, remove ourselves from the cares of this world, wallow in our sorrows for a brief while, then refuel with fresh hope and new energy.

Take a break………TODAY! Find that healing place of your own and use it frequently!!!
PS Bath salts are on sale at CVS this week!