Summer in Winter — Is It Really Possible?

What would you say if you knew that you could find the warmth and sunshine of the summer in the very depths of winter? Would you go after it? Would you try to find out how this is possible? Well, if you’re like me, of course you’d go running to wherever you needed to go to find the answer as to how you could do this! Well, I can tell you right now that it is possible to find summer even in the midst of the most dark, dreary, cold winter.

When life feels like it has a black cloud hanging overhead, and your heart is heavy from pain and sorrow, it’s time to call on that inner strength we know as “hope” to help us rise above the dark clouds into the light of day. How do we do this? Well, there are a number of ways, beginning with changing our thoughts. We must never allow the negative thoughts to outweigh the positive, nor should we permit the negative to make a home in our hearts and minds. For most of us, this is a daily struggle — sometimes it’s an hourly struggle, but it can be done!

We have so many “miracles” surrounding us that we cheat ourselves by not opening our eyes to look at the beauty of nature and all it can give us each and every day. Have you ever studied the details of a snowflake? Have you allowed raindrops to fall gently against your face? Have you taken the time to smell the air in the autumn and to breathe in the crispness of the changing season? All of these things are reminders that “our summer” is waiting for us. Just as certain as the stars twinkle in the evening sky and the sun rises to bring forth a new day, so, too will our summertime arrive –even in the darkest of winters.

Hope is alive! Hope is eternal! Hope is our gift to use each and every day! Never allow the outer temperatue of life interfere with the inner temperature of your heart! Keep your thoughts focused on the lovely, the pure, the holy, and the beautiful and your summer will spring forth even in the middle of the frozen winter!

With love,
Clara Hinton